Day 1(2)

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"Hello? Hyungwon?"


It wasn't him. It wasn't Hoseok. And now I am stuck in a very dangerous position.

Where was Kihyun? He had went outside so he should have seen if someone entered. Well at this point I need to calm myself.

"Hyungwon?" Hoseok repeated on the other line.

This... there's a chance i'm overreacting. If I look at myself from a different point of view I am currently standing on a toilet in a public bathroom on the phone with someone. And I can't respond to that person because I am scared someone outside will enter the stall.

The door is locked! They can't enter anyways, and even if they do I am a 182cm man. I can clearly fight back if I have to.

"...Hey, Hoseok? Are you okay? Do you see anything happening outside? I saw you a while ago, and I think something is going on." I finally answered him.

"Oh, you saw me? Wait, then are you okay? Since you must have saw me outside are you still out there?"

"I'm in a public bathroom... Kihyun was here too but he went outside to look. "

"What?! Tell him to go back inside! It's dangerous!"

"Do you know something?" I questioned him.

"It doesn't mater! He might die! Save him before you can't anymore!" Hoseok urged.


"Hyungwon, I know what you must be thinking. I haven't talked to you... no, I avoided you these past few months. You must have realized it. And now I call you just to not explain anything..."

I listened to him go on.

"But I promise you, when you see me next time, I will tell you everything I can. I absolutely beg of you. Trust me. Trust me okay? No matter what happens trust me. When you want to talk to me go to that tree we always went to in highschool. The phones aren't going to work in some time and we need to communicate."


"You're hearing this right? Please, I beg with all of my heart. Trust me. I'll talk to you later, don't get hurt. Remember to save him, goodbye m—"

And so I hung up. Squeezing my eyes a couple of times stopped them from watering luckily. And I remembered what he said.

Trust him. Save Kihyun and go to that tree too but the one that stuck out to me the most was to trust him. I also thought about all the other times he said that to me and furrowed my brows.

Everytime he said that he ended up...huh? I think I saw something out of the corner of my eye so I held my head up to see...

Two eyes looking at me. Directly at me. Well actually a little lower than I was since they seemed to be shorter.

I took in what that person looked like and was almost caught in a trance as an arm reached over the stalls walls. It was very messed up. That person was wearing long sleeves but I could see, blood?

After breaking its gaze I grabbed all of the bags I could see and unlocked the door to storm out of the bathroom.

When I turned my head while running I could see that thing jump toward me off the toilet. The stall door blocked its lower body from coming after me so it ended up smashing into the door then to the toilet.

Then presumably to the floor as I heard a noise but I couldn't be completely sure since I was out of that place before I could see it happen.

Next I looked for Kihyun. My adrenaline was pumping and standing in one place was dizzying. I realized the thing before, because it was definitely not a person, would catch up to me if I kept standing here so I ran.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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