Day 1 (1)

14 0 0

'Cake, ice, cheese, bread, frozen pizza, streamers, tablecloth, cups, ping-pong ball, wine, and whiskey....'

I looked over the list to make sure I had gotten everything. I didn't want to forget something after all. That guy I came with should have put in extra as well.

"Kihyun, are we ready to go?"

"Umm, yes... no... umm"

Is there anything that we could be missing right now? At this rate we'll go over our budget. I also can't help but notice how intensely this guy is staring into the cart. Kinda scary.

"No, we should go. Even if we're forgetting something it probably won't matter to anyone since we have practically brought the whole store at this point."

"Right... Yeah, you're right. We have to set all of this up too, it's best to get back before dark."

He set down the third brand of alcohol lingering in his hands and followed me as I pushed the cart towards checkout. The cashier rang it all up to a number that could just barely be paid by us.

We grabbed the bags and walked through the doors. As all of this happened, I slowly realized that this all could have been done online, most likely.

"We should have just ordered delivery..."

"This is cheaper. It's only a little more inconvenient, and not like we would have done anything at the apartment while we were waiting"

"Shopping here makes me want to drink everything already."

"Me too... Since we paid for so many bottles, they wouldn't know if we just drank one, right?"

"That'd be great. Oh, is that Hoseok?"

While walking to my place, I could see someone with a well-built figure walking out of an alley way. He was shadily looking around like he was worried about being caught for something. If I had my glasses on or had worn my contacts, I would have been able to see his facial expression too.

Kihyun also looked in the same direction I was. He patted my back, motioning me to continue walking.

I also silently followed his lead. I already knew what my friends think of him.

'I can't let this go on forever.'

"Don't go back there."

"I'm sorry I have to. Can you hold onto these."

With a clearly peeved look, he shook his head.

"There's no way I'm walking with all of those bags alone. Just come—"

"No matter what I am going back. I'll come back with the rest of the bags later."

After reaching into my jacket pocket, I handed him my house keys which he awkwardly, while sighing, grabbed with two of his fingers gripping a few of the bags.

I turned around and immediately realized I forgot I wouldn't be able to see him at all. I already walked quite a bit away from the alley we saw him in.

I stood in the same spot.


"You can't see him, right? There are a lot of people out today." I could hear Kihyun's disappointment.

"...Uh no, I can see him."

I can't.

"Hyungwon don't be stubborn and just walk back with me. You will see him later anyways."

"Oh, okay." said me, defeated.

'I wanted to talk to him though...'

I sighed. Recently it has been harder to talk to that guy. He won't answer my text or calls either. Something must have come up, I wish I could help, but he doesn't accept anything. And now everyone's view of him has gotten even worse over the past few weeks.

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