Chapter 32

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The wind and snow blew the windows slightly.

Ji Yulin was trapped in the soft warmth of the bed, and his mind that was about to sleep a second ago was sober because of Pei Ren's words just now.

He clenched his phone tightly and was lost in thought, carefully sorting out the meaning of Pei Ren's words.

Ji Yulin's suet-like white jade face was buried in the velvet quilt, his cheeks were flushed from stuffiness, and the corners of his eyes were moist like a mist, so he let himself go and lifted his face up to breathe again.

It turned out that Pei Ren hadn't joked with him. He said before that it was true to introduce friends with trustworthy character.

The lips that were usually pursed into a smiling arc fell down, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems to be more acceptable than I imagined.

Ji Yulin has done too many psychological constructions, and he didn't feel too sad or lost, but relieved.

Ji Yulin let his mind go, let nature take its course, just... that's it.

Reducing contact with Pei Ren was the first step he took. Later, he moved out of the apartment on his own initiative and met with someone arranged by his mother for dinner.

He has done all of these, and in fact, the process, including after the end, is not too uncomfortable to recall.

There is no difference between one more person to meet and two more. He has been trying to get in touch with the excitement and make friends recently, there is no difference.

Ji Yulin thought about it and edited the information for Pei Ren.

[Yes, you can give me his contact information. ]

Pei Ren and Yan Zhuo looked at each other silently, and the two alphas with S+ rating stood silently on the balcony blowing the cold wind.

Usually Yan Zhuo is reticent and silent, but it seems strange that even Pei Ren is silent.

Pei Ren and Yan Zhuo tacitly did not mention Ji Yulin again.

When Ji Yulin's message came, Pei Ren's face changed slightly.

Yan Zhuo asked: "What's the matter?" Pei Ren stood in a dark corner, looking at him with a half-smile, " Linlin

wants your contact information."

You can't do anything that hurts your friends.

Yan Zhuo nodded slightly, his deep eyes did not avoid Pei Ren's gaze.

"I will contact him."

Pei Ren frowned.

He suddenly said: "This year, the Yan family and the Pei family have a cooperation, so you may not have much free time. Yan Zhuo, you are still young, would you be willing to let another person restrain you so early?"

Yan Zhuo's steady expression showed a trace Surprised.

"If it's suitable, why not."

He said, "It's just a simple meal."

Pei Ren turned his back and left: You'd better be.

Things developed like this, not only in Pei Ren's expectation, but also beyond the range of emotions he thought he could bear.

He and Ji Yulin have a deep friendship, and Yan Zhuo is his trusted and valued childhood friend. He should also be in the same circle, and now they may have a deeper relationship, he should be happy.

Gu Yu added a bottle of wine to Pei Ren.

"What happened to our ninja?"

Pei Ren shook the wine glass lightly, and drank it silently.

Gu Yu stretched out his hand to touch the back of Qili, pouted.

Qi Li said that he did not know.

The four of them were born together almost one after the other, and they were hugged and played by the adults in the family before they could speak.

Now, except for Pei Ren, the three of them inherited the family business without exception and shouldered the burden of each family. It is safe, and it is also the most conventional and suitable path, except that Pei Ren is different.

Pei Ren has embraced "Pursuing Top Alpha, From Getting Started to Giving Up" since he was a child, and keep in mind the website: m.1. Prince Pei, his entry into the military academy means that he may go to the front line in the future.

Pei Ren did not choose to take over Pei's family, and he knows better than anyone else the decisions he will make now and in the future.

In the past, Gu Yu couldn't bear it during the susceptible period, and clamored to find an omega mark.

Even though these words were just their casual remarks at the time, Pei Ren never said such blunt words in the most irritable and susceptible period.

Not to mention excessive drinking.

Pei Ren tastes good wine, how much and how much to drink is like an art, not like now.

Gu Yu pursed his lips, and asked Qili with his mouth: "Would it be related to Ji Yulin?"

Yan Zhuo came back from the balcony and took the glass of wine that Pei Ren handed him.

Pei Ren filled it up, and Yan Zhuo did as well.

Pei Ren smiled: "He is very nice, but there are many things that need to be taken care of."

After speaking, Pei Ren got up and left, brushing away a lock of fallen forehead hair.

He wondered wildly whether Ji Yulin would be too obedient. He used to think this was a good thing, but from now on, Pei Ren felt that it would be better for Ji Yulin not to listen to his own words too much.


Ji Yulin slept until dawn, his head was heavy, and it took him a long time to wake up.

There was still incense left from burning in the bedroom. His whole body was hot, and half of his face was wrapped in a soft and warm velvet quilt. From his body to his throat, it seemed that a flame spread, making his throat dry and sore, and his eyes swollen and sore. .

Ji Yulin kept swallowing his dry and sore throat, guessing that the result of all this might be the result of yesterday's fatigue and the coldness.

He Yulin raised his head and stared at the clock on the wall. At this point, his parents had already left the house, which just saved them the possibility of worrying.

Ji Yulin got up first to wash, dragged his limp body and ate part of the breakfast left by his mother.

He really couldn't swallow food, so he found medicine from the medicine box and swallowed it whole with hot water.

Ji Yulin went back to the room and turned on the heater.

It was cloudy outside the window, and it looked like there would be another snowfall.

He picked up a book and curled up on the hanging chair by the window, and after a while, he staggered to the end of the bed, picked up the phone that he dropped after sleeping last night, there were a few unread messages.

One left by the family.

His mother told him to keep hot meals at home, and told him to remember to eat after getting up.

The other few messages were sent by the alpha who had dinner with yesterday, asking him how he feels and if he wants to meet next time.

The other party made an appointment for the next time, which means that they want to continue to develop with themselves.

Ji Yulin edited the message solemnly and focused and sent it over, killing the other party's idea.

Pei Ren...

Ever since Pei Ren introduced Yan Zhuo to him last night, he hasn't sent him a text message.

The remaining one is a friend request.

Remarks on applicant content: I am Yan Zhuo.

Ji Yulin chose to agree, just added, holding the phone on his lap, thinking about what to send to Yan Zhuo, Yan Zhuo contacted him first.

Yan Zhuo: [The small three-legged incense burner I bought last time has been given to Mrs. Pei, she likes it very much. ]

Ji Yulin: [I also sent my lotus leaf green glaze brush, she also likes it very much (#^.^#)]

Yan Zhuo: [Thank you for giving me such a good gift, I can treat you to a meal rice? ]

Ji Yulin remembered what Pei Ren said on the phone that he wanted to introduce Yan Zhuo to him, and guessed that Yan Zhuo's invitation might have come along with that sentence.

Ji Yulin: [Yan Zhuo, you are Pei Ren's childhood friend. I grew up with him, so you don't have to be too polite with me. ]

Yan Zhuo: [Sorry, if my words misunderstood you, maybe I didn't express clearly. ]

Yan Zhuo: [I personally want to get to know you. ]

Ji Yulin: [...]

He thought about the image of Yan Zhuo, and then read the content sent by the other party.

Ji Yulin pursed her lips slightly, and smiled softly: [It seems that you are not as silent and difficult to approach as you appear on the surface. ]

Yan Zhuo leaned on the office chair for a while and didn't return.

After a few minutes, he asked: [Do I look fierce? ]

Ji Yulin: [No. ]

[But today I may not be able to accept your invitation. ]

With the idea of ​​making one more friend, Ji Yulin has a fairly good impression of Yan Zhuo.

He was embarrassed and told the other party: [I went out to eat with others yesterday, and I didn't feel very comfortable when I came back. It might take a few days. ]

Yan Zhuo: [Did you go to the hospital. ]

Ji Yulin: [I took the medicine, let's observe for another day. ]

Yan Zhuo remembered the information revealed by Pei Ren, and moved some of the company's meetings to other times, and asked his assistant to bring in the car keys.

Yan Zhuo: [It is best to go to the hospital first. ]

The car drove out of the company downstairs and Yan Zhuo realized that he did not have Ji Yulin's residential address.

He fell into unexpected distress.

Although Yan Zhuo is reticent and silent, he always has a clear goal in doing things.

Even out of ordinary friends, Yan Zhuo couldn't ignore an omega who was feverish and weak.

So Yan Zhuo directly asked Ji Yulin for the address of the community.

When Yan Zhuo drove to the gate of the community, he happened to see a figure wrapped in a ball walking unsteadily in the snow.

He frowned, opened the door and got out of the car.

Ji Yulin's entire face was flushed with heat, and he looked at Alpha approaching with wet eyes, smiling softly and weakly.

"Sorry to trouble you."

Yan Zhuo raised his hand and lent his arm to Ji Yulin to help.

Yan Zhuo was tall, Ji Yulin looked up at him.

He tried his best to blink his blurred eyelashes, and said with a smile: "Your reality is really a little different from the image on the phone." The

reality should be used to silence.

Yan Zhuo sent Ji Yulin to the car, fearing that he would be cold, so he put a warm handbag specially prepared by his assistant in his arms.

Ji Yulin was very quiet on the road, obediently holding a handbag and closing her eyes to rest.

In the hospital, the doctor who examined Ji Yulin was an old acquaintance. He was surprised: "Why do you have a fever again? Go for a pheromone test first."

Ji Yulin went to check the items several times, and in order to reduce the fever as soon as possible, he chose infusion.

Yan Zhuo went to fetch water from the hot water room, and handed it to Ji Yulin when the cup was not so hot.

Seeing Ji Yulin's reddened face, Yan Zhuo said in a low voice, "Omega fever is not a trivial matter, don't think about taking medicine to deal with it in the future."

Ji Yulin nodded slightly, and then smiled to himself for a while.

Before the estrus/estrus period comes, he is actually not a "qualified" omega.

Although it finally had its first estrus this year, there are many differences from normal omega in other aspects.

He didn't tell Yan Zhuo about these, it was inappropriate.

Ji Yulin was put on a bottle in the hospital for an hour, Yan Zhuo sent him home, the car was parked downstairs, and he helped Ji Yulin into the elevator with his own hands before leaving.

Not long after Ji Yulin arrived home, he just took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and the screen flickered.

Pei Ren's voice was hoarse, as if he had just woken up.

"Linlin, you don't have to take what I said yesterday..."

He paused, and when he heard Ji Yulin's suppressed cough, he immediately got up from the bed with a frown.

"Are you sick? Could it be that you are tired from going out? Are you at home? I'll go over there."

Pei Ren suffered from insomnia last night, so he simply practiced guns all night, and climbed rocks for two hours in the morning. He didn't close his eyes until eight o'clock.

It was only four hours since he fell asleep, but his physical strength was almost fully recovered.

He went to the bathroom naked, and flushed his face with cold water.

Ji Yulin said softly: "Pei Ren, don't trouble you to run, I have already returned home from the hospital." Pei

Ren: "Huh?"

Ji Yulin said: "Just now Yan Zhuo took me to the hospital."

Lifting his eyes from the sink, the drops of water from his hair fell along the bridge of his handsome nose to his chin, and he put away the sudden embarrassment in his eyes.


"When did your relationship with Yan Zhuo get so good?"

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