DITTO - K. HR x Reader

Start from the beginning

On our way back home, a couple of us had convinced the head teacher to let us switch busses. Luckily, I was one of them and go to sit next to Y/n-ah the bus ride back.

As we made our way back.......

The last thing I remembered was playfully fighting with Y/n-ah then whispering "I love you" as we giggled and cuddled together into each other's embrace.

- Y/N POV -

I woke up with the biggest headache in the world.

Today was the day of the memorial.... and the funeral.

My heart couldn't bare the weight it held. It was most horrible feeling ever.

So many memories.... so many words that never got spoken.... a life full of history.... full of a future that never got lived...

A life full of moments that never got lived....

Our confessions....

Our first kiss....

Our wedding.....

Our kids....

A story that never got told.... a story everyone knew was to come.... even us....

We were just too young to get to first page of the book.

how could anyone ever live with themselves that way.... how could I ever live without her this way.

As I stood there during the memorial, I heard everyone's stories. I went up myself and spoke about our little adventures as kids.

That whole moment was a blank.... I had trained myself to just speak the words without feeling anything... because deep down inside... all I could ever hear and see were flashbacks of the incident.

"That truck is driving pretty fast," The teacher told the bus driver.

Me and Haerin were sitting towards the front of the bus where the teachers could see us.

It was one of Haerin's promises to the teachers.

As long as they could see troublemaker y/n then Haerin was allowed to switch busses.

"It was all my fault really," I kept telling myself as I watch everyone go up to look at her one last time.

"It's not. Don't blame yourself," I could hear Haerin's voice echoing in my head.

I kept ignoring it as I had been for the last few months.

The last thing I can remember about that trip was the upcoming 16 wheeler driving as fast as it possible could on the most narrowest of roads.... in a hill.... with multiple loops.

The truck rambed into us on a blind curve and the bus started to tumble down the hill.

The truck followed after.

With screaming and crying filling up the bus as we fell to our doom.

.... 5 kids died that night.....

Once we landed on the floor, I quickly checked on Haerin. She had blood coming out her ears and temple.

She had this silly smile on her face.

I shook her trying to get her to stay awake.

"Haerin, Haerin-ei, don't fall asleep! Please don't fall asleep! I'm right here!" I yelled as I shook her.

"You're so funny, I'm okay!" She replied with a weak shaky voice and tears in her eyes.

"Don't say that, you're bleeding" I cried out to her. I shook her still hoping she stayed awake.

"Haerin! Kang Haerin! Whats my favorite color!?" I frantically yelled.

"Navy blue.... or army green.... depends. .. on your... m.. mood," Haerin responded sounding out of breath.

I began to sob, not knowing what else to do.

"Hey, Y/n-ah....," Haerin suddenly whispered.

"Yeah?" I asked getting closer to hear her a bit better.

"I love you," were Kang Haerin's last words.

As I looked in the mirror to get ready for the memorial that morning.... I thought of her..... I couldn't bring myself to say it back while looking in the mirror, so I just settled with saying "Ditto."










Author's Note: Dani & Hanni chapters coming up... they're in writing.... i just got carried away :3

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