Soccer Captain - M. DN x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Hey! Mind kicking that back?!" I heard someone yell. I looked up to find the owner of the voice .... and it was The Captain.

"Come on! I know you can do it!" The Captain yelled again from across the field.

I sprung my foot back a bit then kicked the ball back in at my lowest strength, not waiting to hurt myself.

The ball didn't even reach halfway to its destination, forcing The Caption to job their way towards me and the ball.

"Oh come on! I know you can do better than that!" The Captain teased grabbing the ball then placing it at my feet.

"I can't," I whispered a bit a frustrated.

"Sure you can! Just kick it with all your might!" The Captain tried to encourage me.

"I CAN'T!" I yelled in frustration.

"Ms. Mo, I know you can! Fighting!" Th Captain kept trying to encourage me.

"Y/N, I SAID I CAN'T!!" I yelled forgetting my honorifics in frustration.

The Captain stared at me for a second and I broke down to my knees. I sobbed out of the heartbreak I felt from not being able to kick the ball.

The Captain then ran over and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry, Danielle. I didn't mean to push you" The Captain whispered as they held me tight.

I hugged back tighter knowing all I really wanted was to be comforted. After a bit of sniffling, I managed to get myself together.

"I rejected your offer.... not because I don't want to..... because I can't play," I whispered as I pulled away from The Captain's embrace.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know" The Captain sweetly replied wiping my tears away.

"Ummm.... 2 years ago.... I got into a car accident with my parents on my way to a game.... haven't been able to play since then....," I explained to The Captain.

"Do you want to get some coffee? I wanted to make it up to you," The Captain responded rubbing the side of my arm.

"Yeah, that'd be nice!" I exclaimed trying to stop my tears with a fake smile.

"Can... can I... can I... carry your ball for you?" I asked stuttering a bit.

"Yeah, you can keep it if you'd like!" The Captain responded with a cute smile.

"They're sweet, more than I expected" I thought to myself.

"Let me just put away the equipment and we can go!" The Captain said as they got up to finish up what they were doing before I even got here.

Me and The Captain walked over to the coffee stop around the corner of the school. We chatted for a while. I explained how I had a few surgeries on my leg and things had never been the same since.

"But you're okay since, right?" The Captain asked after my story.

"Yeah, I haven't had issues with my leg for almost two years. I still do physical therapy at times for it but my doctor says i don't need it. I just do it to be sure," I answered playing with my coffee cup.

"I'm glad to hear that. Maybe whenever you feel ready, we can pass the ball around a bit. Even if it's with our hands," The Captain sweetly offered.

I giggled and replied with the same humor, "As long as you don't through me out the game with a red card for too many hand balls!"

We both laughed for a bit then stared into each other's eyes for a bit. I felt the butterflies in my stomach start to go crazy.

"Mind if I take you home?" The Captain suddenly asked.

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