Yo mama pt 2

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It soon fell that night we were in a forest. The cold breeze was the only thing keeping me awake. "Alright we rest here, me and michonne will take turns keeping watch. Rick spoke to us. I nodded , placed my bags and michonne and rick went to look around the place I laid against my bag looking up to the starry night. I heard rustling next to me turning over to see Carl making himself comfy. He looked over at me with sleepy eyes scooting slightly towards me. I rolled over to face him as he did the same. I watched as his eyes dropped softly. I heard a soft snore from him. He was out . I smiled to myself and closed my eyes as well, breathing in the pine smell from the trees that surrounded us. The cold wind hitting my body made me shiver ever so softly. Finally I drifted off to sleep.
"Get up!" i heard yelling it sounded like rick yelling i jolted awake carl doing the same i looked around and saw walkers surrounding us fear took over as i grabbed my bags and stood up michonne waved us over we ran threw the forest it was still dark i ran as fast as i could but they just kept coming i felt something grab my ankle looking over i saw a walker trying to bite my ankle i kicked with all my might getting up from the dirt and ran i stopped when they were in front of me so i turned left i ran till i was out of breath leaning against a tree painting sweat dripped down my face as i gathered my breath lucky i still had my bag with me. I used the tree as a support trying to stand up my legs shaking from underneath me. I slowly started moving i needed to get back to them. I looked left and right but still had no idea where i was. Maybe i follow my footsteps. Well I did find them but they were messy and shattered. It was a little hard to tell what direction I was running in. Besides that I was able to kinda find my way back. I walked up the path for what seemed like hours but yet still nothing. I was growing impatient and tired. The night sky made it harder to see what was in front of me. I just hoped maybe i would run into someone familiar. But it never happened the only thing i ran into was empty roads it felt like deja vu, i down the road hopeful of finding shelter and maybe food.

My feet burn and ache on every step I take but I didn't stop. I couldn't stop not here. I looked up the endless road to see what seemed to look like a small cabin to the left of it. A tiny spark of hope went threw me as i wobbled towards it. I opened the door carefully... It was a horrible mess. Things were scattered. One story to the left of the door was what I assumed to be the living room. The room that was to the right of it was the kitchen. I looked right at the door where the hallway was. It was dark and empty and gave me chills. I walked down the hallway making sure nothing came out of the rooms. Lucky for me nothing ever did. I entered the door to the left of the hallway it was a kids room completely empty i mean the bed was there and the blankets but not even a walker was there. I closed the door and headed to the room in front of it. It was the parents room a big bed layed in the middle of it. The sheets and blankets were on the floor with stains. There was a door to the right of the room i gripped the handle and pushed the door open it was a bathroom not a big one but not a small one either it was quite nice if i was going to be honest. I looked forward to seeing the tub/shower a white yellow stained curtain blocked my view of the tub pulling the yellow curtain away. The tub was disgusting; its yellow and red stained walls almost looked rusted. There was mold growing in the drains i pulled the curtain back the sink was a little better still stains but not as gross the toilet was ok. I quickly left the bathroom. That seemed to be the whole cabin i decided to go to the living room. It was nicer than the bedrooms. There were pillows scattered and the couch had a hole to the left of it. It wasn't a gaping hole but it was big enough for my eyes to catch it. There was no tv but there was a tv stand with old movies laying across the dirty ground i walked into the kitchen where in the sink dishes laid on dishes i opened the fridge where a horrid smell came out of there was rotten food.i closed the door and went to the cabinets i smiled slightly when i saw canned food i took my bag of my shoulder and made room getting rid of old rappers empty cans things i carried for awhile the comic book stays. I took my arms and scooted all the cans into my bag. There were canned fruits, spaghettios, tomato sauce.Ect I looked through all the others. There were a few cans here and there. I grew even more hopeful when I opened the pantry. There was food not a lot, but it would be alot for one person maybe even two there was half filled cereal bags i went searching for more bags in the bedrooms i was lucky enough to find a old ish message bag i actually found two of them i replaced the important things and food into one of the bags thankfully the bag i found was quite big i could fit everything it was so much easier to carry around. My old bag was starting to hurt my shoulders carry it around i shortly left the house threw the back door there was no backyard i guess it kinda was there was no fences nothing just straight wildernest. I watched my steps. I was generally scared, I was all alone again. I hated the feeling of being alone the constant worry of something or someone behind me, all i could know someone could behind me right now. I looked all around me, what if someone was there, what of someone was watching me, lurking, and waiting. I heard a snap behind me. Fear went threw my body once again i turned around and no one was there. I sighed out maybe i was just paranoid of something. I continued walking, after a bit there was nothing not one sound i felt at peace i finally calmed down. Walking down the dirt path taking in deep breaths here and there I was tired but I couldn't rest here not now. I turned right walking up a hill. Something was off. It didn't feel right. Just as i was about to turn back someone grabbed me. Holding by the next as they covered my nose and mouth then soon everything went black.

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