Bernard the Head Elf Experiences Santa's Village in Dundee Illinois

Start from the beginning

Charlie had fun on this ride too, meanwhile, Bernard tried desperately to tell me that it looked a little too big for "just the second ride".

"Bernard, you have been alive for over a thousand years, yet you are scared of a little coaster?" Charlie raised an eyebrow, and I had to turn away so that I wouldn't laugh at him.

After a few more kiddie rides, we would have to walk across the petting zoo to get to the larger thrill rides. We stopped to look at the animals. Charlie loved the reindeer, each appropriately named as the actual eight reindeer. Bernard, on the other hand, had much to say.

"Angie, do you not see how inhumane this is?" He was pacing around the reindeer stalls with his arms crossed. "These reindeer have no room to run around or learn to fly. They have no opportunity to use their magic. Look at this food they are feeding them. What are these brown pellets?" He was very concerned. I never thought that petting zoos were inhumane, but I suppose that I wouldn't want to be poked and stared at all day either. "I should get E.L.F.S to come by and rescue these poor creatures."

"Bernard, I'm sure it's fine, look here," I read the sign, "These reindeer were rescued as babies. They have a nice big field they get to go on the off days too."

This calmed him a little but he still looked uneasy. "Dumb humans think they know how to treat these magnificent creatures. What's next? Are they going to have real elves pinned up in cages?"

Charlie ran up to us, "Isn't this so cool? Do you think these reindeer could fly?"

"Well any animal can fly if they believe they can, you just need to convince them." Bernard suddenly switched to a bright smile in Charlie's presence.

Charlie then went from reindeer to reindeer saying, "Come on Comet, you can fly! I believe in you! You can come to the North Pole and meet the real Comet!"

"Why, this is the real Comet!" An employee dressed as an elf said with a jolly smile.

"No, I met the "real" Comet when my Dad and I went to the North Pole last Christmas. Comet likes eating cookies, not feed, and he has darker eyes."

The elf employee gave Charlie a confused look but just chuckled after a moment. "Well, alright then son."

"Hey Charlie, let's go to the rides, come on," I ushered Charlie forward and we rushed away so the employee wouldn't ask any questions.

"Can we go on Typhoon now?" Charlie pointed to the tall white looping coaster in front of us.

"I am "not" getting on that," Bernard said adamantly, halting to a stop.

"Bernard, come on! Do it for me! How many kids get to ride a roller coaster with an actual elf? My friends would think I was so cool!" Charlie begged him, pulling on his hand towards the line.

The whole line, Bernard threatened to get out at any time to just watch us insted. He tried so hard to not get on the coaster, but anytime he would try to leave the line, Charlie would look at him with his big round eyes and Bernard would stand anxiously for the next few minutes.

"Can I sit in my own row? I think Bernard shouldn't sit alone." Charlie said, "He looks really scared."

Bernard, for the first time ever, gave Charlie a very moody agitated look.

"You really don't have to come if you don't feel comfortable," I told him, "You can stand below and wait for us."

He debated whether this was the right decision or not, but kept getting drawn in by Charlie's cutesy eyes.

Bernard and I sat in the front row together; Charlie thought it would give him a better experience being able to see more. When we were seated, several times Bernard would try to stand up before sitting down again. The coaster assistant waited impatiently as he struggled to make up his mind. Finally, he committed when the employee threatened to give the seat to another person, and he didn't want to make me ride by myself. At least, that's what he told me, but realistically I don't think he wanted to take the walk of shame out the exit line.

The Workshop: A "The Santa Clause" Fanfiction. (Bernard x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now