"I break out in hives and then the flesh peels off my bones." She flatly told her.

"Luckly we've ordered you two uniforms." Principal Weems interrupted as she chuckled. "Enid, please take them both to the registrar office to pick it up along with their schedule." "Oh, and give them a tour along the way."

Wednesday turned to look at my parents as both of their smiles disappeared.

"Lead the way?"

.¸.•*(¸.•*' ♥︎ '*•.¸)'*•.

"Nevermore was founded in 1791, to educate people like us." She began to tell us as we walked down the steps. "Monsters, Outcasts, Freaks.."

"You can save the sanitized sales pitch." "We don't plan on staying here for too long." She gave me a look.

'Why not?" Enid asked us.

"This was our parents' idea." "Oh look, there's my mother smirking at me." "They've been looking for any excuse to send us here." "It's all a part of their plan."

Enid looked interested, "What plan?"

"To turn me into a version of themselves."

Wouldn't know about me though.

"In that case, perhaps you can clear something up." We began walking once again. Many students were staring which bothered me. "Rumors have been swirling around that you killed someone at your old school and your parents pulled strings to get you off." She turned to look at me.

"It's been said that you beat a kid to death, reason..unknown." She shrugged.

"I didn't-"

"Actually it was two kids but who's counting?" Wednesday headed outside.

"And I didnt kill anyone." I followed after her.

Enid catched up to us and walked beside us. "Welcome to the quad!"

Clear skies yesterday but somehow the mood seems to be always down. There were many students here, interesting ones to say the least.

"It's a pentagon." Wednesday stated as I chuckled at her remark.

"Let me give you both a wiki on Nevermores social scene." She began to lead the way. "A what?" I muttered.

"I'm not interested." Wednesday commented. "I am." I spoke loudly as a girl turned to look at me. Enid gave me a certain smile and began to talk. "There are many flavors of outcast here, but the four main cliques are Fangs, Furs, Stoners and Scales."


Enid pointed at a couple of people sitting at a table. They all had glasses in which I found weird because there wasn't much of a sun out to see.

"Those are the fangs, AKA vampires." "Some of them have literally been here for decades.." She excitedly mentioned as we moved along.

"That bunch of knuckleheads are Furs, AKA werewolves." "Like me!" She proudly announced as all of them started howling. "Full moons get pretty loud around here." "I suggest you get some noise canceling headphones."

I need a pair. Especially during those car rides.

"I'm assuming scales are sirens?" Wednesday stopped to look at three particular people by the fountain.

"You catch on quick." "And that girl, Bianca Barcly, is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty."

"..Although her crowns have been slipping lately." How fun. "She used to date our residents tortured artist, Xavier Thorpe." We all looked towards the boy who is currently painting. As if he heard us, he turned around.

The boy looked at me, a blank stare. Suddenly a pounding headache kicked in. I should've brought some advil. I looked away from him and gave my attention to Enid.

"But they broke up at the beginning of the semester."

That's why I don't date., anymore. You fall in love and then the love you have is no longer there. Usually.

"Reason unknown."

"Fascinating." Wednesday stated.

"I know right!" "I have a whole blog-"

"Yo, Enid!" A boy appeared in front of Enid, as Wednesday was behind Enid, in which I was behind her. "You're not going to believe the dirt I heard about your two new roommates." "One of the sisters eat human flesh, chowed down on a kid who she murdered." "The other one set someone on fire in the locker room." "You better watch your back."

Enid stepped to the side to reveal Wednesday. I then step beside Wednesday. "It was much worse." I blankly told him.

"I actually chop the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my pets."

Enid softly chuckled, "Ajax, this is my new roommate Wednesday." "And that's Adaline."

"Woah, you're in black and white." "Like a living instagram filter!" He headed towards a different direction.

"Ignore him." "He's cute but confusing." "..You should follow my account, get on top of all the important news, like twitter, snapchat, instagram, tiktok.."

"I find social media to be utterly distracting." Wednesday commented as she walked away.

"And I don't have a phone."

MY JESTER - Xavier Thorpe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now