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(next part will have Xavier in it, probably my best chapter yet, I promise y'all. )

.¸.•*(¸.•*' ♥︎ '*•.¸)'*•.

"Holy crap!" The boy with light brown hair spoke as he jumped at the sight of us. "Do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people?" His reaction was hilarious.

"It's more of a hobby." Wednesday stated. "Your reaction was very funny." I chuckled as he gave me a serious look.

"Not funny at all.." "You both go to Nevermore..didn't realize they changed the uniform."

"I need a quad over ice." She explained as she kept her response short. "It's an emergency."

The boy looked like he didn't know what to do.

"It's four shots of espresso." I explained to him.

"Yeah, I..I know what a quad is, but spoiler alert.." He motioned towards the smoking machine in front of us. "..the espresso machine is having a seizure, so all we have is drip." He turned to look at a middle aged guy serving himself coffee.

"But drip is for people who hate themselves." Wednesday blankly said as the poor guy left his coffee after her comment.

"What's wrong with your machine?" I asked the boy as I took another look at it.

"It's always broken and it doesn't help that the instructions are in Italian."

I walked towards his side of the counter and grabbed the instructions out of his hands. "I need a tri-wing screwdriver and a four-millimeter Allen wrench."

"Wait, you read Italian?" He questioned me with a confused look.

"Of course..It's the native tongue of Machiavelli." I stared at him.

"Here's the deal, My sister here will fix your coffee machine, then you're going to make my coffee and call a taxi." Wednesday interrupted.

"Uh.. no taxis in Jericho." "Try Uber?"

"I don't have a phone, I refuse to be a slave to technology."

"Then you're out of luck.." He passed me the screwdriver and I quickly got to work. I would've never thought I would be fixing a coffee machine.

.¸.•*(¸.•*' ♥︎ '*•.¸)'*•.

Unfortunately, we were waiting for the boy to give us a ride. A total stranger, very fun. I hope we get kidnapped.

"What are Nevermore freaks doing out in the wild?" A group of three boys walked in and stood in front of our table. "This is our booth."

"I don't see your name on it, I don't care." I blankly told them as I hoped they'd go away.

"Why are you dressed like religious fanatics?" Wednesday asked them as I wondered the same thing.

"We're pilgrims." The boy on the left looked at the other boys with confusion. "We work at pilgrim world." He slapped a flier onto the table.

"It takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park.. to zealots responsible for mass genocide."

"My dad owns Piligrim World." The tall boy raised his voice as he looked pissed off by Wedenedays words. "Who you calling stupid?"

"If the buckled shoe fits." She responded as I was very much trying not to laugh. Do they even get paid?

"Guys, back off." The boy shoved one of them out the way.

"Stay out of this, Galpin." "Yes, stay out of this."

I placed the small cup of coffee down and got up. They were all taller than me but I couldn't care less. Mommy's boys.

"So tell me, freak..you ever been with a normie?" He questioned as he tried to seem intimidating which was failing miserably.

"I've never found one that could handle me." I leaned closer and then.. "Boo." The boy quickly jumped as the other one reached for my shoulder.

I quickly jabbed him in the arm and kicked him in between his legs which caused him to lean forward. The other boy tried to grab me but I then pushed them both together which caused them to fall onto the ground. The last one quickly tried to swing with a right hook which I blocked.

Wednesday then, finally got up, did her little spin and kicked the boy to the ground.

Galphin boy walked over to us. "So..where'd you both learn those kung fu moves?"

"Our uncle taught us." Wednesday admitted as one of the boys on the ground coughed. "He spent five years in a Tibetan Monastery."

"Was he a monk?" The boy questioned.


MY JESTER - Xavier Thorpe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now