Chapter 35: Hidden

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Andrew yawned as he walked into the store. A shopping cart bumped into his legs, and he looked behind him to see a twelve year old Levi hanging on the front of the shopping cart. "Careful there, speedster."

"Yeah, yeah, come on. I know where the stuff is for the fall project."

"What are we doing again?"

Levi shot him an annoyed look as he huffed at Andrew. "We're doing a fall biome. I need crafty stuff."

"Crafty stuff?"

"Yes, me and Angel are splitting the supplies, and Angel said he'll take care of the crafty stuff if I do the science stuff."

"Crafty stuff and science stuff. Got it?" Andrew followed after Levi as he used one foot to shove the shopping cart forward. "We should grab things for dinner tonight while we're at it."

"Mac and cheese!"

"No. You can't have it anymore."

Levi groaned loudly in preteen angst as he slumped further over the shopping cart. "But there's no school tomorrow. I'll only eat a little bit."

"Not until we figure out why the lactose pills aren't working."

Levi grumbled but slowly pushed the cart forward in dejection. "Tacos."

"Okay." When he saw Levi's slumped form, he gave his head a consoling pat. "Don't worry. We'll figure it out."

They were making their way through the food section when someone called out to Andrew. "Excuse me, are you a mediator?"

Andrew ignored the blond woman and kept walking. When she grabbed his arm, he jerked it away.

"You have the wrong person. Ask someone else?"

Levi looked over in question, "Dad?"

When she looked at Levi, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end at the wild look in her brown eyes. But it was her grin that had him stepping behind his dad to grab at the leather jacket. Reaching behind him, Andrew rested his hand on Levi's shoulder.

"Oh, you have a kid. He must be old enough to start training soon. Is his mom also..."

Andrew cut her off, "Levi, why don't you go look for those items you need for your project."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Andrew looked down at him. "I'll be right behind you." When Levi didn't move, he squeezed his shoulder. "I'll always be right behind you if you're scared."

Levi huffed while turning away. "I'm not scared, just worried about you." He grabbed the shopping cart and walked off.

"You trust him to be alone in this store. What if someone grabs him? He's young and easily persuaded..."

Andrew turned to look at the woman, who shrank away at the visible anger on his face. "If you need mediator help, you should go to the council, and they will send someone."

"I have. They denied me, saying I don't qualify for one. I want one. So my pack has a fighting chance to establish itself."

"You're going about it backwards. You ask H.O.W.L first for pack rights, then for a mediator, and the council will send someone out to evaluate whether or not you get to have a mediator. Do not approach me again." He turned, and she let out a growl reaching out to grab him. Andrew stepped out of her way, letting her crash to the ground. "You can't scare me into complying." Andrew started to walk away when she stood up and called out to his retreating back.

"You won't always be watching your kid."

Turning back to the woman, who was grinning wildly at him. With an amused huff and a sharp grin, Arnan appeared at his feet. "That's where you're wrong. I will always be watching over him. Even if I've taken my last breath, I will be watching over him. Always."

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