"I'm ready"

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The two kept talking about life and how unfair life could be. The time just dlew by, soon enough the sky had turned a beautiful reddish color. They decided to enjoy the wiew quietly.
(Kai's mind)
I really wish that I'll be able to walk again someday, I'm not ready to become useless and worthless.. I can't even be called a ninja, right now I'm just.. a nobody. I hate being like this, all the others are out there putting their lives to danger, I'm afraid that they won't come back to us. Ever again. I really love all of them, they are my family. My boyfriend, my sister and my brothers. I'm truely horrified of losing them.
(end of Kai's pov)
Soon it starts getting cold outside, there's also wind outside but not too strong. The others haven't returned yet and Kai starts to get worried. “Let's head back in” says Pixal and Kai agrees. They get inside and decide to eat dinner together. After dinner they start playing cards. Pixal is happy to see Kai laughing again after all these stressful months. “Wanna have a movie night?” asks the robot “I'd love to!” answers the red ninja excitedly. They start making popcorn and setting the livingroom up so it would be cozy for both of them. Pixal helps Kai onto the couch. They both finally sit down on the couch comfily and start choosing a movie to watch. They both agree to watch a comedy so it would be fun.
★2 hurs later, it's 1am★
The movie has just ended and the two were really happy “This was fun” said Kai with the warmest smile “I agree”. The two cleaned up the mess they made and head to Kai's room. Pixal helps Kai to his bed and wishes him a goodnight “Goodnight to you too Pixal, and thanks for everything.” the red ninja says with a smile “You're welcome, Kai. I'll be in the livingroom if you need me” said the female robot before closing the door.
They both doze off almost immediatly.
★In the morning★
Kai wakes up to complete silence and an amazing smell “pancakes!” he says happily which Pixal heard, she walks to his door and opens it “Good morning Kai” Pixal smiles with a plate of pancaked in her hands “would you like some strawberry jam?” she asks, “yes please” Kai smiles. Pixal sets the plate on a tray and puts it infront of Kai before going to open the blinds of Kai's room, from the window you can see the beautiful waterfall and cherry trees that are blooming. She opens the window to let some fresh air into Kai's room. When Kai finishes eating Pixal helps him get dressed and they go outside to enjoy the beautiful day. They suddenly hear familiar voices approaching. The ninjas were back and they were okay. Pixal took Kai's hand into hers and squeezed it looking at him with an relieved smile, Kai did the same. The two happily smiled at the others who were approaching them. “Kai!!” Nya screamed before running to hug her brother “hey sis” says the red ninja. “I'm glad you're all okay” says Pixal hugging Zane. Cole also hugged Kai happily and Kai hugged him back, Lloyd joined their hug. When everyone had calmed down Kai whispered to Pixal: “I'm ready to tell them..” Pixal heard him and gave him an approving nod and she took his hand into hers. “I have to tell you all something. Please don't freak out and I recommend you sat down for this one.” the ninjas were quiet and sat on the soft grass. “I've known this for a while now but I was afraid of telling you all about it but Pixal has been good support to me.” Kai smiled. “At the hospital, the doctor told me something really shocking.” Kai's eyes started to get teary “He told me that I.. might not..” he stared sobbing again. “I might not be able to walk again.. never again..” Kai managed to get the words out before covering his face with his arms, Pixal pulled him into a comforting hug. “...” nobody said anything, they all just got up and hugged him. Nya was also in tears. They were all deeply sorry for Kai because he was a part of their team, without him next ti them they just wouldn't be it. “I've got you, brother.” said Nya sadly “I'll be here for you..”.
Kai asked to be alone with Cole, the others were understanding and went inside. “Oh Kai..” said Cole. “I love you Cole and I'm sorry you have to deal with me being a burden to you.” the earth ninja didn't say anything and just kissed his partner like a loving boyfriend should “You aren't a burden, Kai. I love you more than anything and I'm just happy that you are here with me right now. I missed you so much when we were away, you know?” Cole smiled at the amber eyed boy sitting in a wheelchair across from him. “I missed you too, my love.” smiled Kai happily.

To be continued..

(This is the longest part I've written so far! :D)

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