Please don't be true

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★In the evening★
Nya helped her brother onto his wheelchair because it was time for dinner. The water ninja was pushing the wheelchair with her beother in it. He looked tired but nobody wanted to bother him with any questions so they all just sat in the kitchen, not saying anything. The silence was broken by Kai's loud coughing, Cole held out a napkin infront of Kai's mouth just incase he would cough up blood again. The red ninja smiled at the black ninja as a thank you.
★After dinner★
"May I go outside for some air?" Kai asked. Sansei-Wu nodded yes. "Thank you." the red ninja rolled himself outside to breath and think about what has been going on in his life. He didn't like being like that but he could do nothing about it right now, he just had to wait.
After 10 minutes to red ninja headed back inside and called his sister over, Nya ran up to him "I would like to go to bed." said Kai with a small but warm smile, "As you wish, brother". Nya put Kai back to bed "Goodnight, Kai!" she said happily "goodnight." answered Kai quietly.
★The next morning★
Kai had been awake for around 2 hours already, suddenly he heard the door creak open, Pixal stood at his doorway "Good morning Kai. How are you feeling?" she asked him, "Good morning. I'm feeling okay, thanks. Can you please help me up?" he asked. "Of course I can" Pixal went up to Kai's bed to help him onto his wheelchair. Pixal helped Kai get dressed so they could go eat breakfast together. They went to kitchen and Kai ate his meal quietly while Pixal was putting the clean dishes away "The others are out. All of the prisoners broke out so they will be taking a while." the female robot said, "Mh." Kai responded coldly. After the fire ninja had finished his meal he asked "Can we please go talk outside?" Pixal looked at him and nodded. The two went outside. "What did you want to talk about?" asks Pixal while sitting down on the bench, "I can't hold this painful information in me for much longer and I am afraid of telling the others about it. Can you promise me not to tell anyone else about what I'm gonna say?" the robot nodded yes. Kai took a deep breath before starting "It's difficult for me to say this.." the fire ninja was hardly holding back his tears "The nurse told me that I.. might never be able to walk anymore.." Kai looked at Pixal with tears pouring down his face "I'm sorry." Kai started whiping his tears into his sleeves. Pixal put her arms around Kai and hugged him tightly "I'm so sorry Kai.. I truely am. I'm also glad you told me this. I really hope that you will be able to walk again someday and I promise to be there for you when you do walk again!" said Pixal with a sad face, the red ninja hugged her back "I'm so scared. I'm already useless enough but then I would just be in the way of everyone.." the ninja sobbed, his whole body was shaking out of fear of never walking again. "You're going to have to tell the others too, but do it when you feel ready. Until then I'll keep my mouth shut. You can trust me, Kai." said the robot.

To be continued..

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