Stormy day

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The ninjas had been looking for the fire ninja for a few hours all over ninjago trying to find him. Cole happened to stumble across an abandoned hospital but since he was afraid of ghosts he didn't want to enter alone so he took the green ninja with him.
Risky move brother.
The two were looking thru the empty hallways when they suddenly heard a familiar voice. “It's Kai's voice” Cole whispered to Lloyd “Let's go follow his voice quietly” Lloyd suggested and the two did so.
★Meanwhile with Kai★
Kai was laying on the floor of the hospital his hands and legs tied together. He was bleeding. Morro had tortured him because he wasn't joking around about killing him. Kai was in pain but he didn't show it out because that would make him seem weak and he didn't like seeming weak. “You won't catch Lloyd, he's way stronger than you now. Ugh!” Morro had thrown an rock at Kai's head which made his head bleed, he was an the edge of passing out when he suddenly heard footsteps that couldn't have been Morro's..
★Back with Cole and Lloyd★
The two slowly start heading to the basement, going down the stairs they heard Kai once again, he was groaning in pain. Cole started freaking out inside but Lloyd tried to keep them both calm. They made their way down into the basement, there they saw Kai on the floor, there was no sight of Morro it was only Kai who was hurt but.. he was crying? The two ninjas knew right away that something was wrong because Kai never cries. “Morro..” they both said in sync. Morro left Kai's passed out body laughing “Well well well, look who the dog dragged here the two of three loved ones of the master of fire” Lloyd was a bit confused about how Cole was loved but he didn't want to think about that at the moment. “What a shame, such a strong ninja but has a dirty little secret.” Morro said looking right at Kai, then at Cole. “What are you talking about?” Lloyd asked curiously “Oh? You don't know? Haha well I shall tell you then. Our little master of fire and master of earth are actually homosexual. They've been secretly together behind all of your backs but I saw it all.” “Cole.?” Lloyed looked at Cole “Yes, that's true.. we weren't ready to tell yall yet but guess he ruined it. But so what if we are dating that's our business.” Cole confessed “No worries man, it's okay. I'm happy you are happy. But now Let's deal with this asshole!” Lloyed patted Cole's back and gave him an approving smile before the two jumped on Morro tragging him outside where it was pouring water and thundering. Morro finally disappeared out of their sight but he will deffinetly return in the future. Now they had to get Kai back to the hotel as soon as they could, they picked Kai up and started running throward the hotel knowing damn well that Sensei-Wu who should already be back, would get mad. But the two didn't care, they wanted to save the red ninja who was barely breathing. There were tears running down the black ninja's face but they weren't visible due to the rain also running down his face. They finally made it back to the hotel where everyone had been waiting for them. They were all speechless seeing the contition the fire ninja was in.
He wasn't breathing..
“No no no no no!!” Cole screamed trying to find the fire ninja's pulse.

To be continued...

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