CHAPTER 3: Saving An Old Childhood Friend

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No One's POV

Plag: "Kid... STOP NERDING OUT!"

Izuku: "Epp... *realizes that he had started muttering* I'm sorry for that, it's a habit. My mom told me that my dad had the same habit, too. Ehahah."

Marinette just smiled while Alaya looked at the two with a smirk.

Alaya (Mind): Marinette has the same habit as him. I know Marinette might be happier with Izuku, but I should get to know more about Izuku. You never can be too careful, after all.

Marinette: "Well we'll see you later Alaya."

Alaya: "Later girl!"

Izuku: "Yeah also I hope that we work well together."

Alaya: "Me too, Izuku."

Izuku smiled before running after Marinette. Alaya watch as the two of them ran off until they round a corner and she lost visual of them.

"*chuckles lightly* Good catch Mari. I hope your happier with Izuku and Izuku please take care of my bestie."




Izuku's POV

I was patrolling around Paris as Black Emerald with Ladybug and Volpin. Suddenly I picked up some yelling from close by.

Black Emerald: "Ladybug, Volpin! This way!"

I quickly turned in the direction I heard the yelling with the two following.

I reached the spot where I heard the yelling. I sniffed the air and there I smelt, three different smells of a girl and two men. The girl's scent smelt familiar to me.

Volpin: "Black Emerald what's the situation?" Volpin asked when her and Ladybug arrived.

Black Emerald: "Three people. Two men and a female teen. Who smells familiar to me but not one from Paris. Which is confusing for me. Cuz I never left Paris after my powers appeared." I looked at them.

Ladybug: "Okay Black Emerald you grab the girl we'll handle the men."

I nodded as the three of us jumped down into the alley and saw two Thugs cornering a girl that looked about the same age as me, with long white haired and Lavender purple colored eyes.

My eyes widen when I saw her

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

My eyes widen when I saw her. It was Amber my only friend before I had moved away.

Amber: "Please, just leave me alone!" She spoke in Japanese with tears falling from her eyes.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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Ladybug's New Partner, Black Emerald (MLB x MHA)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ