Dating Darry Curtis would include.

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- Seeing Darry shirtless a lot which you never complain about, because it’s Darry.

- Darry constantly being stressed with work and taking care of his brothers.

- You always trying to help him pay the bills.

- “I don’t need your charity, (Y/N)!”

- “It ain’t charity, Darry! It’s your girlfriend helpin’ you out. You help me out all of the time, - even though you can’t afford it-. So for once lemme help you.”

- “Fine. But it’s a one time thing.”

- Darry always being stressed and pretty grouchy.

- You always bringing out the goodness and happiness in Darry.

- “You’re my world, baby.”

- “You’re my world too, Darry.”

- Sodapop always teasing Darry about you.

- “You better watch it, buddy boy.” Darry would tease back with a grin.

- You always helping Ponyboy with his homework.

- You doing a lot around the house to help Darry focus on other important things.

- Not really having the time to spend with Darry because of the two jobs that he works.

- When Darry has the time and money, he takes you out.

- “I can pay, Darry.”

- “No, I insist.”

- Darry always being super sweet to you.

- Passionate hot sex.

- “Shh be quiet, baby.”

- “I can’t help the way you make me feel.” you’d whisper.

- The gang really liking you and thinking you’re pretty hot.

- Darry being really protective over you.

- Darry protecting you.

- Darry getting really jealouseasily.

- You being protective over Darry.

- Darry protecting you.

- You getting jealous whenever girls hit on or look at Darry a certain way.

- Guys never flirting with you because they see the size of Darry and leave you alone.

- Darry’s work friends wolf whistling at you whenever you bring Darry lunch.

- Really bad fights.

- Hot make up sex.

- You giving Darry the best massages before he goes to bed to ease his muscles.

- Sodapop, Dallas, Steve and Two-bit flirting with you until Darry shows up.

-  You having a special soft spot for Johnny and Ponyboy.

- “Your kid brothers are just the cutest, Darry.” you’d tease.

- “Yeah…” he’d mutter.

- Darry getting really jealous.

- “Are you jealous, baby?”

- “No!”

- “I think you might be.”

- “Just stop okay? This is dumb.”

- “Don’t be a sour with me.”

- “Then don’t assume that I’m jealous, cause I ain’t.”

- “Yeah okay baby.”

- You geting really jealous.

- “You’re jealous?”

- “Pffffffffft! No!”

- “Yeah you are and I think it’s hot.”

- “You do, do you?”

- ”Yeah.”

- Teasing Darry and him being okay with it.

- Darry always kissing the nape of your neck and hugging your waist from behind.

- “I love you, baby.”

- “I love you too.”

- You distracting Darry whenever he’s doing the bills.

- “Babe, let me do these.”

- “I’ll only take up a little of your time, baby.”

- You coaxing him to come to bed with you to have sex and cuddle with him.

- “I really gotta do those bills baby.”

- “But Darry!”

- You moving into Darry’s house because your relationship is really serious.

- Darry always making you laugh and smile.

- You helping Darry loosen up all of the time.

- Being the perfect greaser couple.

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