Dating Steve Randle Would include

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-Him practically living at your house so he doesn't have to be home with his old man.

-Nights when he doesn't stay over he usually ends up sneaking through your window at night

-Staying up for hours listening to him vent about socs, school, and his dad

-You and Soda are the only ones he'll talk about his mom with

-Wrapping your arms around him and letting his bury his head in your neck or chest

-He loves when you hold him but he will deny it until the day he dies

-He constantly has to be touching you, keeping his hand on your hips or butt

-The boy is constantly trying to get in your pants though

-Honestly his two favorite things are cars and sex with you so...

-Him being the jealous type

-Not because he doesn't trust you but because he's afraid you'll wise up and leave him for someone better one day

-When he gets jealous he gets all defensive and makes it perfectly clear to the other guy that you're his girl and they better back off

- And you have to try and remind him that you're not going anywhere when he starts pouting afterwards

-He would insist on you carrying a blade just in case you get jumped

-God forbid someone did try and jump you though because there's no way Steve wouldn't loose it and go looking for a fight

-Crying and yelling at him after you find out he got dragged in by the police

-Him wrapping his arms around you and apologizing for making you worry so much.

-Double dates with Soda and Sandy

-Trying very gently to drop hints to Soda that you don't like Sandy

-Tracing the outline of his tattoo with your fingers when your cuddled up

-There's a really good chance he'll show up with your name on his arm one day

-And be incredibly casual about it when you question it

-Him dragging you with him everywhere with him

-Like really, you're always together

-He's your guy and your his girl 😍

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