Chapter 2.

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"Fuck you guys, chess is lame anyway."

I can't believe I wasted two hours of my life losing to a bunch of losers. I could have actually stayed home and watched a good movie, might have gotten beaten up, but I would take that than staying here a second longer.

"Wait, August," Zaphyr tries to argue and make me stay but I'm not hearing them, I'm taking my stuff and leaving this stupid club.

"No, I'm going home, next time I will actually take us to a nice club ," I see the goth girl rolling her eyes at me, and I resist the urge to pull out her piercings. I will Zaphyr later how she Mets these bunch of freaks.

"Take my jacket?" The chivalrous looking guy, which fluffy blond hair and dark brown eyes hand me his varsity jacket. He is cute I guess, but looks like he is too self righteous, makes me want to throw up. But I will take the jacket, it's cold outside.

"Thanks." I shrug it on and see the pixie girl, side eyeing me, miss piercings fully glaring at this point. Oh maybe they have a crush on him, not my problem though, I can't help it that I'm hot.

I kiss Zephyr goodbye and proceed to walk out onto the chilly night.

Sometimes when I'm alone I realize that no matter what I do people will always find a way to hate me. Being born a woman is tough, my conservative family doesn't help either, they hate me just for being born. I don't like to brag, but being I'm skinny, blond and tall, I guess it's normal for them to hate me. But it's okay, no matter how shitty the world is to me, I like to keep a smile on my face, and my finger for the haters.

As I was walking I heard noises coming from a small alley, and if I was smart I would keep walking, but I'm not. So I stop, and bring out my phone and turn on the flash light. Three tall male figures were standing up, while a body was laying on the ground.

Again the smart choice would be to walk away, but did I mention that I wasn't smart? So I say loud and clear, "what are you guys doing?"

They look at each other, and I hear one of them curse and trying lunging at me but the taller one stops him with a hand.

He walks, confidently strutting towards me, like he owns the alley. When he stops in front of me, my flashlight is still on and hitting right on his face. A beautiful ducking face. He is almost as beautiful as me, but not quite there yet. He has mystical grey eyes, and lips that look like they have filler in them because those can not be natural?! The cheekbones too??!

"Can you turn off your flashlight?" the gorgeous man in the suit talks, and even his voice is beautiful. Hmm, I don't like this, my insecure self doesn't like being challenged in a beauty contest.

"Do you have lip filler?" I bring the flashlight closer to his face, trying to see if those lips are fake, until he shoves my phone away and takes it. "Hey! That's mine,"

He ignores me and checks if I took any pictures and shoved it back into my hand, "walk away, and act like you didn't see anything,"

I rise an eyebrow at him. "That's not very clever, I could call the the police you know? For a gangster, you're kind of dumb,"

His eyebrows shot up for a second then his jaw tightened. "And you're dumb for talking to "a gangster" like that,"

He has a point. But, "I'm a minor," I say a little too proudly so it doesn't like a lie. But it is a lie.

"Really? My grandfather is a senior," he deadpan and I don't like it. Who does he think he is anyway?

"You're annoying," I state before turning on my heels and start walking away. But I can hear his steps walking close behind me so I start walking faster, and so does he, and faster until I'm running. I can't believe he is making me run in heels? What kind of monster is he?

I turn to tell him to go fuck himself but he grabs me by my tiny waist and put a cloth over my mouth and nose.

How basic of him is all I thought before it was darkness.

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