Miss Gunslinger

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The rebel walks into town

the dust flies all around

whispers about the rebel

who walks into town without a care

wearing black boots and a cowboy hat

reeking havoc throughout the West.

A brave soul walks out of the barbershop

and faces the gunslinger

draws his gun but he's no match for the famous gunfighter

he lays on the ground in a puddle of his own blood

the gunslinger walks over the man

and heads towards the saloon.

A hush falls over the crowd as they stare

they stare at the gunfighter who killed their man

they watch as the gunslinger orders a shot of whiskey

then stare in awe as the gunfighter's hat is removed

long brown hair is revealed

and they find out, the gunslinger is a woman.

She takes her shot of whiskey and turns around to face the people

her stare dares anyone to come closer

nobody moves, the saloon keeps an eerie silence

as the gunslinger orders another shot

the bartender looks at her quizzically

asks "ma'am, are you sure you want another?"

She replies, "didn't I say I wanted another?"

her thick, sultry Southern draw

a voice the people have never heard before

they continue to stare as she downs her next drink

and until she gets up, they remain silent

as she leaves the barstool, they watch.

She reaches the door and turns around

nods her head and leaves the town

on her white stallion with her golden saddle

leaving the West with a tale to tell

one that'd be told years after her time

the legend of Miss Gunslinger.

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