how weird.

I met a person who can sleep immediately while I'm the type of person who had a hard time falling asleep.

the only thing I can do is stared at the ceiling waiting for the time to turn 6.

because I could only sleep when 6 am.

I move a bit and let my head lean on my bed.

I could smell a perfume scent, it was not unpleasant to the nose, and it is relaxing, I wonder what she was using...



what do I do?

I could only stare blankly at the ceiling.


"you're not sleeping?"

"Well, I can't fall asl-hm?"

I turn my head to the side and saw a pretty face that could captivate any man, that includes me.

but, I made sure it can't be seen on my face as I was mesmerized by her beauty.

her face was too close to mine, it was at least 5 inches away from me.


"... well, I don't know... ever since I was a kid, I was like this... see these bags? "

"do you want to sleep?"

"...I think everyone wants to sleep...and need to sleep."

"Then... come."


what does she mean?"

"sleep next to me."


"w-wait, why?"

"so, you can sleep."

"No, no, no, why are you okay with a stranger sleeping together with you in the bed?"

"you're not a stranger, you feed me, and I awe you."

"Just because I feed you, I'm not a stranger anymore to you, and I could sleep with you!?"

"not exactly, ah yes, here."

suddenly, she took something from her pocket, it was 500 gold coins.

"my payment on that food."

"Isn't this too much?"

"then... the rest is the tips."

"...thanks? wait don't change the subject! 

young lady, don't you dare ask someone who you don't know to sleep with you!"

"but I know you. David Rosswell."


how does she know me?

"How did you know my name?"

"worker's name tag."

"Okay yes, my first name but how did you know my last name?"


"... did someone tell you, that you're annoying?"

"yes, there was a lot, and I can even list you on that?"

", Miss Magician, why don't you go back to sleep?"

"you don't want to sleep with me? big sister is not petty, I am comfortable to hug with."

"no, no, no, there is something really strange in your brain, did you go to a psychiatrist? in the first place, big sister? you're at least five times younger than me!"

"Oh, but I'm..."

"Seriously, you're small and look around 16 years old, stop acting like an adult when you're still young."

"...small? acting like an adult?"

why do I feel like the temperature here suddenly turns heavy and hot?

I could feel cold sweat on my back and my face probably already sweating nonstop.

Merlin is staring at me without emotion, suddenly, something pulled me by force, making me lie on the bed, and the next moment I see that Bianca is already at the top of me, sitting on my stomach.

"I'm not a kid! Not small! I-I'm growing! and I'm already 28!"



"holy hell! but you're so small! Your high is enough to reach my chest!"

"I said I'm not small!"

"no, you are! why don't you look in the mirror!"


"a-ouch! stop gripping my arms tightly! Damn it! I'm just a normal human being!"

realizing this, her sudden outburst lessen and I could move getting her off guard, By pushing her I was now at her top and her legs were spread side by side on my waist.

I held her wrist and look at her.

"Have you calmed down now? seriously what the hell is wrong with you...."

it was at this moment I realized our position, it is a missionary position.

I blush and was about to get away from her but.


Merlin head-butted me, making me throw myself away from her while holding my head in pain.

"I think you did not fall asleep, instead you are more awake now."


"it's your fault calling me small, I'm not!"

I stared at her as well as her certain part.

"...well, it is certain that all the food you eat will come at your breast."

I murmured and making sure she did not hear it.

"...did you say something rude just now?

" Nothing... I just want to say sorry, my queen."

".......good night....don't call me queen."

she said and lie on the bed.

"yes, yes, Miss Magician."

I don't think this woman sees me as a man, or is she that confident she could take care of me if I do something stupid?

I think it is the latter.

I stand up and was about to go to the sofa when a handhold my wrist.

"...there, you can sleep now."

"what do you....huh?"

I suddenly felt drowsy, I staggered to get away from the bed but, I can't, I feel weak and sleepy...

the next moment I saw before I lost consciousness is when I began o float and I was put in bed...

"...good night...David...."

Don't Sleep in my bed, Miss Magician...Where stories live. Discover now