Parentheses of Life

38 8 2

we are failing are we 

we are failing are we

failing we are but happy are we?

we cant even differentiate between a he or she! 

is this the letter D?

D-Day is the day?

a moment where we slay?

a minute of thinking if you may?

i will lay

on the bed i sleep

Thinking of the Deep sea

Feet taking me to places to be

is it who am i or who is me?


I fall from the sky

not with a smile

being chased by thoughts 

and ran for a mile

will my brain cells bind?

or is it too far to find?

so far away

to the deep Amythest caves

Not being peoples favs

is it a matter of show?

i think it's a case


A case of Ampathy

Leaving no sympathy

Under the street of maple syrup

thats when i hear a pop *pop*

it's a lollipopp!

Feeling my heart drop..

my brain is singing nope

Down the happiness rope

to the slide we go

stooping so low

having to face a foe.

it's a matter of yes or No

A no*

an aurora so high 

Breaking a neck with a sigh

waiting for my soul to fly

The freedom I buy

The vision I sought

Heaven is not to be bought

you should work for it so hard

as precise as a dart

no dart in the mart

can ever me this smart

all you shall do is think deep

The depth of it

it scares me

it terifies me


~by Emily~

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