Chapter IX - pt.2

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It didn't take long before the King realized Roaan was missing, and soon enough he was pushing Sam away and marching toward the door. Before he could get far, though, Roaan appeared in the hall with Cersei, Damien not far behind. The King paused, baffled by what he saw. At first, he was angry because she left, but upon seeing his daughters return with smiles on their faces, he wasn't sure what to say.

"I... I don't understand... Cersei?"

She turned to Roaan for reassurance and took a deep breath before stepping over to everyone. "I believe I owe you all an apology. I let my anger get the best of me, and I made decisions without realizing the damage I would really cause. I chose to do all of this," she bit her lip, seeing the boys' states, and even worse, her sister's neck. "I might not have the words to express how disgusted with myself I am for hurting Roaan, my family, and the good people of Euphoria, but what I do know is that I can help. I know I can't take back my actions, but I can fix the damage I have caused."

She looked down at her palms and closed her eyes, and a cloud of black fog spawned around her hands. Their father grew very tense as he watched the fog slither across the ground and surround Sam, then Damien, Miles, and Percy, but to their dismay, the magic faded away, and with it, their bruises. She healed them.

Then she did the same for Roaan, and for their father and the Queen.

"I... I didn't know you could do that with dark magic," Roaan said in disbelief.

"Neither did I," Cersei replied gratefully. "You changed something in me, Roaan." She turned to the King and Queen. "I am truly sorry," she said genuinely. "I promise never to harm Euphoria again. Once I fix everything, I will find a way to destroy this magic for good."

"How can that be true?" Miles asked, and Roaan's eyes were drawn to his scar. "I've seen what this magic is capable of. The people of the East lived under the control of dark magic for years before it was eradicated, but it came back now, and it could come back again. How can truly be safe?"

Cersei sighed in shame and shook her head. "No, it won't. Dark magic is a practice, and there are but a few who remain alive with the ability to conjure it... When I left, I used the legends to find them, but they told me to leave the past in the past. I should have listened to them, but instead, I searched for answers myself," suddenly she reached into her pocket and lifted a small book with a strange symbol on it that appeared to be falling apart. She was angry now. "I found this text in the tomb of the man who created dark magic, and I took it. This book allowed one man to destroy half the world, and me this kingdom. So when I say destroy it," she threw the book to the ground, "I mean destroy it."

And with a flick of her wrist, Cersei lit the book on fire and the eight of them watched as the pages and the ink withered away, and with it, all the dangers that threatened their world. This time it was over.

It was finally over.

Miles stared at the ashes and sighed with relief and exhaustion. Roaan watched as the weight of the past lifted off his shoulders, and she smiled, knowing that he was now free from the burden that had followed him since he was a kid. And he smiled too, knowing that they were safe now. Sam recognized it too and patted his friend's shoulder, giving him a hopeful smile, and Roaan couldn't help but embrace her friends after everything they had been through that day. Every risk, every danger... it was all worth it.

They won.

Sam kissed Roaan passionately and held her in a tight embrace as they celebrated not only the fact that Euphoria was saved, but that their wildest dreams had come true. They could finally be together without rules getting in the way. The impossible became possible, and it truly did feel like euphoria. She had to kiss him again before she made her announcement.

"Everyone, if I could have your attention, there's something I'd like to say..." she began, and the King and Queen turned from their conversation with their returned daughter. "I was put next in line for the throne because that's what the world wants. It's 'right'," she said unhappily. "The world said royal blood is what makes an heir, but if they had really seen the person in front of me now, they would see how worthy she truly is."

Cersei smiled at her sister gratefully, Sam proud beside her.

"My sister devoted her life to this kingdom, and the world shunned her. What has happened here may not have been right, but neither was the way we let her be treated. Actions speak louder than words, and my sister has proven that she is still just that: my sister. A friend and leader. She belongs here in the castle..." Roaan turned to the King and took a deep breath. "Father, you told me that a leader always makes the best decision for their people, even when it's hard. Well, that is why I feel it is only right to return the throne to Cersei."

He was about to object, but instead, he thought about her words and looked at his eldest daughter. Roaan suspected he knew she was right, but it wouldn't be easy to sway him. He frowned and said, "I am sorry, my love. As much as I respect your will to do that for your sister, I am afraid that is impossible. Imagine the scandal that would arise from renaming my heir a third time. I know it may seem unfair, but the law..."

Roaan smirked and eyed Sam. "I seem to recall a certain law changing earlier... where's the harm in changing one more?"

The King sighed and shook his head with a chuckle. "That's not a bad head you've got..."

"I learned from the best."

Cersei stood in disbelief as their father stepped up to the throne and asked her to come over. Roaan smiled and followed her mother beside them, and the others gathered around and watched in honor as Damien handed his sword to the King, then in the stillness of the evening, he apologized for letting the world guide his choices, and he declared that his eldest daughter- the rightful heiress all along- was to be the next ruler when his reign came to an end. Finally, he dubbed Cersei with the sword, and one by one, the boys bowed down to pay respect to their future queen.

"I... I don't know what to say," Cersei said in awe, her eyes filled with tears of happiness because she couldn't believe that it was finally happening. But there was shame too, and she looked into Roaan's eyes as if to ask "why me?"

"You don't have to say anything," she responded joyfully, thinking about all the years they spent waiting for a day like this to come. "Now we can both have our happily ever afters."

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