Chapter VIII - pt.2

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Roaan's eyes lit up with joy and awe. She turned to see the look on her father's face, but he said nothing. "Father..."

The Queen, who had been watching nearby, frowned at her husband. He acknowledged her acceptance and she nodded her head, smiling at Sam.

"Very well," the King said solemnly. "I am no man to ignore my mistakes, and I see now that I made a mistake underestimating those like you. I owe you an apology for thinking so little of you, Samson. Henceforth," he smiled, "I declare that from this day forward, the princess may marry whomever she chooses."

She raised her hand to her mouth in shock and she shrieked in elation, kissing Sam who had the biggest grin she had ever seen. She turned and gave her father a kiss on the cheek in thanks and hugged her mother who embraced her with relief and joy that not only was her daughter safe, but to be married!

"Oh, he will make a fine prince!" the Queen said happily, turning to embrace Sam.

Roaan was overwhelmed with joy as she watched her parents greet the others and thank them for their bravery, everyone smiling and conversing. They had finally made her parents see that people like Sam and them were just that: people. That they were caring and loyal and so much more than a title or money. She couldn't contain her happiness as she joined in celebration with her friends and family, but then she became aware that someone was missing as she felt the pain in her throat and turned toward the door.

Cersei. She wanted her sister back. Not to condemn her, but to bring back her old friend who was still in there beneath all that rage. Now that Roaan was aware of her sister's pain, she couldn't let her go, even if she hurt the kingdom and the people she cared about. She was family, and family should be there for one another.

"Congratulations," Damien told Sam. He seemed saddened by the news, but nevertheless happy for his best friend. He wouldn't admit it, but he knew from the moment he first met Sam that he had no chance with the princess. She was in love, but that was okay. One day he would meet somebody else, and he would be happy too. Sam seemed to understand how he felt, and they stood in silence for a moment wondering if maybe they weren't so different after all. Finally Damien said, "Just do me a favor, okay?"

"Sure," Sam replied.

Damien smiled, glancing at the princess. "Never let her go."

Sam smiled as she approached them. "Never." He pulled her close and kissed her, then she took him aside.

"I need you to do something for me," she whispered.

"Anything. What's wrong?"

"I'm going to talk to my sister. I want to make things right."

"No. No way. She tried to kill you."

"Samson," she took his hands and begged, "Please. I'm going whether you like it or not. All I ask is that you distract my family for a few minutes."

"I'm going with you."

"This is something I have to do alone."

He sighed and thought about it, looking into her eyes with a frown. "...Alright. I'll do what I can. But please be careful."

"I will," she smiled. "I think I know a way to fix all of this."

Roaan waited as Sam did his part to distract everyone. He dramatically told the story of how they got here, urging Miles and Percy to join in, and she ran out the door. She left unseen- except for Damien who noticed the door close and slipped away, following her down the main hall. He caught up to her when he found her spying around a corner where the guards were surrounding the door to the conservatory.

"What trouble are you getting into now?" he asked, causing her to jump.

She hit him and sighed. "Why'd you follow me?"

"Why'd you run away? I thought we were celebrating your betrothal," he smirked.

"I can't celebrate until I make things right," she said impatiently. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a sister I need to win back."

"Too stubborn to ask for help, as always."

She sighed. "Alright then. Make yourself useful."

"With pleasure," he said, and just like that he strolled over to the few guards and convinced them that they were needed elsewhere and that he could handle keeping watch as Captain of the Knighthood, of course. She had to admit, sometimes titles did pay off. Once they were gone, he gave a thumbs up and she came over to the door smiling.

"I suppose you want me to thank you, then?"

"What are friends for," he said sarcastically, but after a moment his face turned serious. "Are you sure about this?"

"Absolutely," she said simply, and with that, she took a breath and opened the door.

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