Chapter VII - pt.1

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Roaan felt her heart sink when she parted two of her favorite people, but she took comfort in the idea that Damien knew the castle well and would be able to bring Sam back to her soon enough, so she tried to push her emotions aside and quickly followed Miles and Percy as they flew up the stairs. A short time and a lot of panting later, they finally reached the top of the flight and stepped onto solid ground, peering over the ledge in relief that that nightmare was over. Now they stood in a small, circular room with a large window that showed the entire village on the hill below. It would have been a beautiful view if many of the buildings hadn't been burned down.

"Wow," Percy commented, smiling at the lights in the village. "So that's what the village looks like from here..."

Miles rolled his eyes. "Yeah, so what? We get it, commoners like us have nothing compared to these people."

He nudged his shoulder with a serious look. "Dude."

She laughed and shook her head at Miles. She thought the lights looked like stars. "I don't see it that way at all. I'm very lucky to get to experience village life every day," she smiled warmly. "Personally, I like it better than all of this."

"Really?" Miles asked doubtfully. "You prefer slumming it with us instead of living big?"

"Absolutely. I'd much rather spend the day with Sam and his family than having tea with my mother or studying wars with my father. Sometimes it's just... too much. I wish I could have your lives."

"No you don't," he lowered his head.

She watched him for a moment. "I wish you guys could see how incredibly special you each are."

They both turned their heads at her, Percy smiling, Miles seeming distant.

"I know I was kind of a jerk about it before, but it really means a lot that you're both willing to risk your lives to stop my sister. I don't know what I'd do without your help."

That seemed to make Miles cheer up. He turned away to hide his smile again, and it occurred to Roaan that Sam wasn't the only one insecure about being "poor." It was true that the world saw people like them as inferior, but they didn't know them the way she did. She wanted her parents to see that her friends weren't worthless. They mattered to her, and even if Miles didn't want to show it, she mattered to them too.

"Come on," Roaan changed the subject. "The throne room is just down this way. From there, we should be able to get down to the main hall so we can meet up with Sam and Damien. It's time to end this thing once and for all."

Miles nodded, his eyes hopeful. "Lead the way, princess."

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