☽ Arthur Harrow ☾

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☽ Your Point Of View ☾

It was the next day so you, Marc, Steven and supposedly Jake would be searching for Harrow to make sure he doesn't go on a judging spree.

"Let's go Marc! We can't be late!" You exclaimed

"For what?" Marc questioned

"You do realize he has about thousands of followers, we're gonna be late." You informed

Marc sighed and shrugged as you grabbed a cap and left the flat, Marc did the same before leaving to catch up with you.

"Let's go!" You said

You ran off into the streets of Cairo and Marc followed.

☼    Make sure that Harrow doesn't know where you're located.    ☼

Marc and you walked around for a little before seeing a clue, someone had the scale on their arm like Harrow.

They looked over and pointed to you, an armed man then approached.

"Back off Marc." You whispered

"What're you two doing here? Came to surrender to Ammit?" The man asked

"I don't seem to have pockets. But I could make an arrangement if I'm allowed to go see Harrow with Marc." You said

He lowered his gun, for people who wanted world peace they were quite stupid.

"Follow." He ordered

Marc and you began following him into an alleyway where Harrow was judging multiple people, someone fell in front of you.

"I do have Ammit's statue, let's make a deal." You said

Sun began shining brighter in the alleyway, Ra must've done it incase of emergency.

"And this is?" Harrow asked

"Marc." Marc replied

"Pleasant to be talking to you." Harrow said

You could tell Khonshu was stood behind Marc, Marc kept looking back and muttering words.

"I give you the statue in return you give me information." You smiled

"What kind of information do you seek?" Harrow asked

"Some on Ra." You stated

You needed a cover up for it.

"Follow me and I'll tell you everything." Harrow stated

You began following Harrow in the alleyway.

"Why Ra?" Marc asked

"Opposite of Khonshu, seems a little friendly to me." You stated

Khonshu made another gust of wind.

Ra appeared beside you, from what you knew Ra was the height of Khonshu.

You were led into a community space, he most likely had towns like those everywhere.

He waved to a woman who was playing soccer with the younger kids, she seemed to have the same scale on her arm.

You looked back seeing Steven front.

"What're we doing?" Steven asked

"Finding some information out." You smiled

Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now