☽ Back To Egypt ☾

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☽ Your Point Of View ☾

It was the next day so you, Marc, Steven, Ra and supposedly Khonshu had went to the airport.

"I need you to not follow me when I wander off." Marc said

"And I need you to not wander off." You replied

"You know you really don't need to be so stubborn." Marc huffed

☼ ☽ In Egypt ☾ ☼

"So! Where to?" You asked

"I need to find Senfu's tomb." Marc said

"I know exactly where that is." You stated

"How?" Marc asked

"Did you forget everything about me? I've got friends in very high places and I'm still an archeologist! Obviously." You stated

☼    It feels so good to be back in Egypt.    ☼

"It's gonna feel even better once we get under the sun." You smiled

"What'd you say?" Steven asked

"Nothing." You answered

You looked behind you and saw a bunch of people 

"Could this day get any worse?" You sighed

☼    Run.    ☼

"Hey, uh. Steven! Could we go faster?!" You exclaimed

"Don't have to ask me twice!" Steven said

He began running and shouting before you started dashing towards the boats that'd get you to your destination.

"Come on Steven!" You exclaimed

Steven quickly got in the boat and began staring at a mirror.

☼    People in Egypt can be demanding, it's why some avatars do not reside here.    ☼

"Makes sense." You said

   Khonshu, what do you make of this?    ☼

Ra hummed as Khonshu responded, at least you assumed he did.

"Where to?" Steven asked

"Anton Mogart. He's the one who most likely has his tomb somewhere." You informed

"Why wou-" Steven said

"He's got all the shiny things, shiny trinkets and even some tombs!" You answered

"I'm gonna let Marc take this one, I mean he's the more moonknight person." Steven said

"That's alright! See you soon!" You smiled

His eyes rolled back and Marc came up front.

The boat docked and the two of you stepped out.

"I'll be doing the talking." You stated

☼    This seems dangerous.    ☼

"You seem dangerous." You scoffed

Ra only chuckled and appeared by your side.

Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now