☽ Suspicion ☾

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☽ Your Point Of View ☾

You woke up and felt as if you got no sleep at all, you knew exactly why.

It's no surprise that your new husband was now gone, it happened every night and you didn't even know why. Usually he'd come back in the evening all burnt out.

"I swear to god." You groaned

He obviously needed to leave behind dust.

You kicked it under the table and began scarfing down coffee.

Marc always made coffee for you in the mornings before he left for his secret little job.

"What a humongous headache, right?" You said

The window was open and the local pigeons decided to watch you from outside.

You quickly poured cereal into a bowl and began to eat, another morning spent alone, it'd begin to drive you crazy someday.

You got dressed and grabbed your keys before running a through your hair and stepping outside your flat.

"Another day in the best place on earth. Egypt." You huffed

Being an archeologist you were now being sent to Sarah Desert to try and find something.

You picked up your phone and called Marc.

"Sahara Desert, not fun. Might be home a little late, knowing my luck I'd be getting lost or something. Have fun!" You said

You kept walking in the Sahara desert reaching the dig site with poorly placed caution tape surrounding it.

You smiled as you grabbed tools that were left there for you.

"Eh, Tefnut statue, Shu shrine stuff." You said

You weren't phased by it, you found these literally everywhere and everyday.

"This is boring!" You complained

You loved doing this stuff but usually you enjoyed it in pyramids, caves, on cliffs and other things that were fun to explore.

You looked up at the sun and quickly looked down trying to block out the heat.

Why didn't you become an astronaut? Or an astrologist? Or even a grocery store worker. But an Archeologist just had to come to mind.

Don't mix it up, being an archeologist was fun and Egyptian Mythology was great! It was just a little boring at times.

You dug up a pharaoh statue, you put it into the bag before getting up and dusting yourself off.

"I'm done with this crap." You said

You grabbed the bag and left the site walking back to where you were supposed to drop the bag.

"I need a raise." You groaned

You dropped the bag as two people collected it, they both seemed to have scales on their arms which represented alligators of some sort.

"People." You shrugged

They bowed and walked off so you did the same too.

You eventually made it back to your home after quite a while, surprised you didn't get heatstroke on the way there.

"Marc's still not home, odd." You stated

You began to call Marc once more.

"This really isn't funny. Are we not married?! Living a double life, really?" You exclaimed

You knew Marc would never hear that call, why give it a shot?

You breathed in before walking to your bed.

You began to stare at your ring before setting it down.

"The hell?" You said

Why were your curtains open? Marc didn't do it and that's for sure.

"Okay. That's it, tomorrow I'll be looking for Marc." You stated

You huffed and walked out of the room, where would Marc actually be?

You heard a large creak when you walked so you took a look.

You saw a trapdoor, how did you not notice that?

You knew exactly how, Marc covered it up using an old rug.

You opened the trapdoor seeing passports of all sorts, guns and other useless things.

"London, huh." You said

There were many things about London, how smart.

London was your destination.

"What's with these guns?" You asked

You picked one up and stuffed it into a bag.

"When your friends with people in high places. Bring anything everywhere." You snickered

You began packing a bag filled with everything you needed, Marc wouldn't be coming home anyways tonight so you wouldn't need to worry.

"Marc's really gonna hate me for this." You stated

You smiled as you zipped up the bag and called Marc once more.

"I suggest coming back before I hit London." You said

You quickly took melatonin and climbed into bed.

You thought of the trip to London and Marc, where could he be. You assumed anywhere near anything Egyptian, like a museum of some sort.

You quickly got up, something bugged you.

There was a picture of London and a passport next to it with his name but on another passport it had said "Steven Grant", who was he? The passports were pretty old, maybe Marc changed his name long ago? Nonsense, Marc would've told you. 

Who was Steven Grant, and why did he look exactly like Marc with different facial features.

You quickly crumpled up the photo of London and tossed it in the garbage, now you'd be going to sleep hopefully.

You closed the windows and curtains before sitting down on your bed, you realized how empty the house was at night without Marc.

"Only me." You muttered

You stared at the bag you packed before drifting off to sleep knowing that in the morning you'd be heading to London to go search for Marc.

Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now