Amity put the eyeliner back away into the holder, rushing up to her feet and basically darting to the front door.

She huffed, hand on door knob. Amity hesitated before opening it. She didn't even have enough time to check herself out in the full-length mirror to make sure she didn't look stupid.

With a sigh, she turned the door knob, revealing Luz who was wearing baggy jeans, a white t-shirt and a rugby jacket. She smiled wide, hands in pockets. "Hey, Amity!"

"Hi, Luz. Come on in." Amity stepped aside, letting Luz enter and take her shoes off. "Want me to take your jacket?" She offered, closing the door.

Luz shook her head, bending over to undo the shoe laces of her black and white converse. "Nah, thank you though. I'll keep it on." She stood up straight, looking around the hallway while Amity's hands were kept behind her back, watching Luz's every move anxiously. "Nice place."

"Oh!" Her eyes widened slightly, and she chuckled sheepishly, intertwining her own hands together, bringing them in front of her.
"It's not that great.."

"I think it's nice. Different to what we have though. Huh, I expected that all hotel rooms looked the same." Luz crossed her arms and slightly raised an eyebrow, making Amity giggle.

"Okay, okay." She sighed. "Come on, follow me. We'll go to my room before the twins-"

"Mittens~." Emira sang, making Amity groan. She walked to where Luz and Amity were with Edric, she looked Luz up and down and grinned. "Hey, cutie. I'm Emira, this is Edric." She pointed towards Edric with her thumb.

Luz smiled sheepishly. "Hey.. I'm Luz. It's nice to meet you two. I've heard a bunch about you from Amity." She put her hands back into her pockets as Emira smirked at Amity.

"What a coincidence!" Edric chuckled out. "We've heard a lot about you, too. Isn't that right, Mittens?" He cooed, looking over at Amity and trying to hold back another laugh.

Amity's face slowly turned full red, and Luz watched in amusement. "Come on, Luz." She took her by the arm, which was easy since Luz's hands were hidden away, so Amity could grab onto her arm instead.

She turned around before completely leaving the hallway, turning around to look at Edric and Emira, death staring them.

Edric snorted. "I think we might have annoyed Mittens a little, huh?" He lightly elbowed Emira. "Fair play though, she has been getting a bit full of herself lately." He shrugged.

Emira nodded, narrowing her eyes at Amity and Luz as they walked away. "Yeah. I guess she's just happy she has a friend here, none of her friends from home are here." She smiled and raised an eyebrow at Edric. "Time for you to get one too.." She began walking back into her room.

"Why am I always being picked on in this house?" Edric groaned, following Emira in a huff. "You all always target me."


"I'm super sorry about them." Amity sighed, sitting cross legged on her bed, Luz sat opposite her, swinging her legs.

Luz only chuckled, shaking her head. "It's fine. I think they're cool. Anyway, you wanna start decorating now, or do you wanna do something before?" She tilted her head down, looking down at her feet.

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