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"Amity, we're going out. Are you coming?" Odalia raised an eyebrow, standing at the door of Amity's room.

Amity's eyes slightly widened and she sat up on her bed, holding herself up on her arms. "Uhm, are Ed and Em going too?"

Odalia shook her head. "No. It'll only be your father and I and you, if you decide to come with."

"Why aren't Edric and Emira coming with?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "Surely we should all-"

"Mittens. It's only us going. Are you coming?" Her voice and facial expression were stern, and Amity sighed.

She bit the inside of her cheek. "I'm staying."

Odalia's eyebrows slightly raised. "Fine, so be it. Finish unpacking your room in the time then. Got it?" She ran her thumb over the communication stone.

"Yes, mother."



hey my parents are leaving for a while
wanna come over?
ed and em are still here but i'll deal with them before you arrive

of course!!! when should i be there?

30 minutes?
sorry thats so long, i still need to talk to the twins and get myself fixed up a bit

no worries!
see u soon :3

see you!

Amity put her scroll away, taking a deep breath in before going into Edric's room. "Emira!" She yelled, making Edric jump and her older sister run through the hallway into Edric's room. "Both of you sit on the bed. We need to talk."

"Yes, ma'am!" Emira snickered, sitting down.

"So, Luz is coming over-"

Edric and Emira's eyes widened. "Luz? As in, your friend Luz? Coming here?"

Amity groaned, holding the bridge of her nose. "Yes! That Luz, now if you'd let me continue..! As I was saying, she's coming over to help me finish decorating my room. You two aren't allowed to help, or talk to her unless you wanna say hello or something, but if you tease her or do anything to make you upset I swear I'll scoop your eyeballs out in your sleep and sell them in the dark market!" She exclaimed,  crossing her arms.

"You're.. uh- nevermind. We promise not to tease, have we ever done that, Mittens?" Edric smirked, narrowing his eyes.

"I'm done. Bye." Amity sighed, furrowing her eyebrows and leaving his room, going into her own.

Amity dug through the closet to get her still-full bag in which she packed clothes in. She carefully unzipped it and took out a black dress, looking at it for a moment before deciding that decorating a room wouldn't be the best to do in a dress.

She continued to rummage, clothes all over the floor, until she found a black hoodie with a cresent moon on the sleeves and a pair of dark red leggings. Amity got changed, once she finished she looked at the floor, only now noticing the mess she had made.

With a groan, she got onto her knees and began shoving clothes back into the bag, not even bothering to fold them up or make them look nice, all she knew was that Luz was coming over in about fifteen minutes, and she still had to do her makeup.


"Mittens!" Emira ducked her head into Amity's room, who was holding her hand still with eyeliner. "You have a guest." She grinned, leaving the room. Amity listened to her footsteps to make sure she actually went back into her own room.

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