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 Oliver didn't have preschool today, so he stayed at home, playing with Frostina.

''These are my Terry The Truck books!'' Oliver said. He was showing her his childrens book collection in his room. ''I've had these since i was two!! Johnny always read these to me!!''

Frostina smiled. 

''Oh? really? that's nice!'' she said. "Oliver, you don't want to stay inside all day do you? Why don't we go outside? and maybe go to the park?''

Oliver gasped and his eyes lit up. 

''Yay! Yay!'' he said. ''The park!''

He ran to the front door,and swung it open. Frostina walked right behind him outside.

''Don't run too far, okay?'' She said to him.

''Okay!'' He responded and ran off to go play on the tire swing that John had set up on his 3rd birthday.

Frostina sat on the wooden bench that stood in front of the tire swing. Seeing Oliver play reminded her of her younger sister. She sighed in happiness.

''Hey.'' a voice said behind her.

She turned around. It was Martha.

''oh, hi!'' Frostina said to her. 

Martha sat next to her. 

''So.. you're a mother?'' she said. ''Who's the father?''

Frostina's face turned red and she shook her head. 

''Uhh- no! that's my boyfriend's little brother.'' she said. ''He's at work right now, so i'm watching him.''

Martha chuckled. ''Ohh.. interesting.'' she said. ''Do you ever want to.. have a child with your boyfriend?''

A child with John.. Frostina never thought of that before.

''Umm.. yeah..? somewhere in the future.'' She said. ''If John wants one...or some..'' she started to blush pink.

''interesting!'' Martha said. ''You know.. today i ran into the Eternity. They were messing with some girl. Think her name was Earlia?''

Frostina's eyes widened, not expecting to hear that name. 

''Oh! i know her!'' She said. ''Was she okay? is she alright?''

Martha nodded.

''Yeah, not a single wound on her.'' she said. ''They were about to absorb her soul. Frostina, she also had powers, that reminds me that you have powers. What type of powers have you got?''

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