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John was done getting his job, and now it was time to pick up Oliver from preschool. 

''it was so much fun!!'' Oliver said as he got in the car.

''Yeah?'' John said. ''I'm glad to you enjoyed it. Let's get you home so you can get something to eat.''

When John got home, Frostina was it the kitchen making something.

''Whatcha making?'' John said, getting behind her.

''You like lasagna?'' She asked.

John nodded. ''Yeah, anything you make, i'll eat it.'' he said. ''Maybe even dog food.''

Frostina turned around and sighed. 

''John, you know i would never make something like that,'' she said, laughing a little. ''Anyway.. i have something to tell you..'' 

''What is it?'' he said. 

''When you went to go bring Oliver to preschool, i decided to get some fresh air. Then i saw a girl sitting by a tree. She was hurt, and her name was Martha. I took her inside and got her fixed up, turns out she was hurt by someone called 'Eternity''' Frostina said. ''They appeared in the forest, and wanted Martha's soul..and i'm kind of worried that they'll come here one day and someone will end up getting really hurt..''

John wrapped his arms around Frostina.

''You don't need to worry,'' he said. ''I won't let anything happen to you. I won't let anything happen to anyone.''

Frostina smiled at him.

''You made me feel so much better John."  She said. ''Thank you.''

''No problem.'' John said, smiling. ''Since dinner isn't done yet, you wanna watch some TV while it's cooking?'' 

Frostina nodded. ''Sure, anything to pass the time.''

So they sat on the couch together, watching TV to let the food finish cooking.

Now it's time to talk about something, someone else. Let's get into the story of 'Eternity' You may be wondering where did they even come from, and why are they on Earth. But do not worry, i am here to tell you all the answers to these questions.

EnergVillia is in space, right? well, a million miles away from it, is a secret small planet. Eternity lived on that planet, and they were feared on that planet by the small creatures that lived there. One day, they wondered if they could escape from the planet and find other environments. And they did. They saw EnergVillia, but was more interested in the big blue planet, Earth. 

Eternity was fascinated by all the different types of people, buildings, and the green grass which was not on the planet they came from.

ENERGY: EarthOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz