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John had gotten many holiday decorations for his house, and he bought a tree. Right now, Oliver was helping him decorate it.

''i can't wait for Christmas!'' Oliver said excitedly. ''i want Santa Claus to bring me a train, a mutant fish, candy-''

''You better make a list for that buddy.'' John said, laughing. ''And a mutant fish? where did that come from?''

Oliver grabbed an ornament. 

''From a book!'' he said while hanging it on a tree. ''Ok, i'm gonna go make a list now!!''

He ran to his room, and John looked at the tree. It had green, red, and silver ornaments hanging from it. Its lights glowed many colors, and a big golden star stood at the top.

''You guys did a good job decorating it.'' Frostina said, coming into the living room looking the tree up and down. ''But come into the kitchen.. i decorated something too.'' John nodded, and followed her into the kitchen. Immediately, the smell of cookies hit him.

''You made cookies and decorated them, huh?'' he said. ''Bet they look and taste real good.''

Frostina smiled. ''They're right here on the table if you wanna see them, John.'' she said. John looked down at the table and saw a tray.

On the tray, there were gingerbread men placed across the tray coated in a thick white icing, but the icing wasn't messy. Even though they were gingerbread men, they were made to look like snowmen. And that made John smile.

''Oh, Frostina, they look absolutely amazing.'' He said. ''Really delicious and creative too.''

''You haven't even tried them yet.'' Frostina said. "You want to? you can have a little bite..'' 

She picked one of the gingerbread cookies up, broke its cookie leg, and popped it into John's mouth. 

The taste was absolutely heavenly. It had the perfect amount of sweetness, and it was as soft as a marshmallow.

''Just as i expected,'' he said. ''Delicious.'' Frostina blushed. 

''Thanks John.'' she said. 

Oliver came running in, and shoved a piece of paper onto John's stomach.

''There! my list!'' he said. He gasped when he saw the gingerbread man in Frostina's hand. ''OOH!! I WANT ONE! I WANT ONE!!''

Frostina smiled at him and handed him the cookie.

His eyes lit up and he jumped up and down. 

''Yay!!'' he shouted excitedly. ''i love cookies, i love cookies..'' he walked off and kept singing. John tried his best to read the list, because he was four. His hand writing and spelling weren't going to be good. 

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