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John's alarm clock went off. He sat up in his bed, and clicked it off. He looked at his phone.

9:00 AM.

He yawned, and started to get out of bed.

''I need to go to the store and get my stocker job back.'' He said. He turned to Frostina, who was still sleeping, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

He went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and went to Oliver's room.

he gently shook him, trying to wake him up.

''Hey buddy.. come on..'' He said. ''You gotta go to preschool today.''

Oliver squirmed around and slowly opened his eyes. 

''Noo..'' he whined. ''sleep..'' 

John smiled.

''Don't you want to go? You'll have so many other little kids to play with, and so many toys.'' He said. ''And if you behave there, maybe i'll bring you something back.''

Oliver tiredly sat up in his bed. 

''Okay Johnny..'' he said.

''Good. Now go get yourself together.'' John said. ''You can have some cereal for breakfast okay?''

Oliver nodded, got off of his bed, and ran to the bathroom.

''His first day of preschool since he came back.'' Frostina said, walking into the room. ''That's really cute.'' 

John smiled at her. 

''Yeah, he'll enjoy it.'' He said. ''Are you going to be bored while me and Oliver aren't here?''

Frostina shook her head. ''No, i'll be fine John.'' she said. "you should go and fix  Oliver's cereal.'' 

John had forgotten all about that. He went to kitchen and fixed Oliver's bowl of cereal. 

Oliver came and sat in his chair at the table. His cereal was placed infront of him and he frowned.

''i didn't want smiley wheats,'' he said. ''i want fruity funs!''

John shook his head. ''Sorry bud, but that's sugary.'' he said. ''No sugar early in the morning'' 

Oliver pouted, and picked up his spoon. He took about five bites, and pushed his bowl away. 

''Done!!'' he yelled and jumped out of his chair. ''Let's go to school! let's go to school!''

''Go get in the car.'' John said. ''I'll be there in a sec.''

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