He told them again, letting them what he wanted, as Kai, Zane and Alex walked down the board to the young master.

Kai: We all are.

Zane: Be patient. He's a growing boy. At his excelled growth rate, we'll have our old Master soon enough.

Kai: We're low on food, Master. How about you go out and find some?

Wu: I don’t wanna. 

Cole: Now, Master, don’t pull off till tomorrow what can be done today. 

Jay: Pfft, ha. That’s rich. Now we’re giving him lessons he taught us. Ha, ha. 

As Kai was too busy glaring at Jay, Wu turned to Cole. 

Wu: Will you- - will you come with me?

Cole: Okay, you guys fix the radio. We’ll go see what food we can scrounge up. 

Alex: And I’m coming with you two because I don’t want to be bored anymore. 

He said, stretching his arms as Cole nodded before he looked down at Wu. 

Cole: Come on, Little Master. 

Wu: Why do you call me that? 

Cole: Uh… Habit, I guess. 

They had been walking for a while searching for any source of food as Wu decided to complain once more. 

Wu: It feels like we’ve been walking forever. 

Cole: Yeah, well, Ninja never quit. 

Wu: I’m not a Ninja. 

Alex: Hey, I’m not a Ninja either. But we have to keep walking or we’ll probably find a Dragon. 

Cole: Ah, ha. One day, you both will be. 

He smiled as Alex looked in a different direction as they reached an area with tall grass, where they heard something snarling in the distance. Cole and Wu get a closer look behind some grass where a small blue Dragon was seen eating some sort of fruit off the ground. Wu gasped seeing the small Dragon and backed away as Cole tried to reassure him. 

Cole: I-it’s okay. I used to be scared of them too. But dragons are our friends. 

He said before walking up to the Dragon with no caution. 

Cole: Hi, little fella. 

The dragon lifted its head up as it gave off a small snarl as Cole approached even closer to the dragon. 

Cole: Whatcha eating? Mmm, looks delicious. 

The dragon backed away still growling as Cole put his hands up showing he wasn’t going to hurt it. 

Cole: It’s okay, we just wanna share. 

But as soon as he picked one of the fruits up, the ground next to Wu and Alex started to rumble, as the brown haired boy grabbed the young master to stay closer to him as Cole noticed the rumble as an even bigger dragon that was the small dragon’s mother. It glared down at Cole and let out a roar as Cole landed on the ground as he backed to Alex and Wu where standing.  The dragon let out another roar as sparks of blue electricity formed in its mouth and shot it at the earth ninja, barely missing him.  

Wu: It’s a lighting dragon! 

Cole: I can see that! 

Alex: And there’s no time to argue that! 

They continued running as the dragon kept firing lighting bolts at them as it collided with rock pillars and sand dunes. The dragon charged up another attack as they saw a small cliff before them and slipped down it, hiding behind it as they barely missed the attack. 

Lego Ninjago X Male Oc Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now