"Well... we could put something on the bench. Maybe some glue? Or we could do something to the food, maybe some of the Weasley twins' treats?"

"Or we could do both. Then after their next revenge I have some ideas for redecorating their common room."

They grinned at each other.

"Tomorrow work?" Draco asked and Delilah nodded.

"Want to start the preparations after dinner?"

He grinned.

"Of course I do."

Dinner seemed to take twice the normal amount of time. The moment Draco took his last bite she stood up.

He joined her as they started down to the common room.

They were lucky enough to get good seats by the fire.

"What do we need to do?"

"Well, we need to find good glue, not the unsticking charm or whatever it's called."

"Permanent Sticking Charm."

"Yeah that, then we'll need some of Fred and George's treats. I have some of them in my room, we can duplicate them."

Draco nodded.

"That works, their sweets are brilliant. Not that I'd ever admit it to them."

Delilah shook her head. Would he ever get over his Father's 'lessons'?

"Ok, I'll go find the treats. Do you want to go try and find some glue?"

He grinned mischievously.

Delilah grabbed the sweets from her bedside and returned.

Draco was back a few minutes later.

"I couldn't find any," he dejectedly said.

"It's fine, we can look for it tomorrow. What do you want to do?"

He shrugged.

"That works, can you help me with my last essay?"

"Do you actually need help?"

"That was one time!" Draco complained.

She grinned and scooted closer to him.

"Which essay?"

"You're an angel."

She turned, offended.

"You know me better than that."

He chuckled.

"That's true, it's that weird one for Sprout."

"The Self-Growing Shrubs? I thought you already did it?"

"I started it after McGonagall's."

Delilah looked over his shoulder and grabbed his essay, reading it over. It was good, he had all the data and only needed to finish the last body paragraph and conclusion.

"It's good, for the last body paragraph you could have it be about the cons since the one before it is why it's helpful."

"That makes sense, what are the cons?"

"They are hard to keep under control, since you can't regulate the amount of fertilizer. They also have a mind of their own and move however they like. Do you remember how one almost strangled Blaise?"

Draco nodded, adding, "It was awesome until Sprout stopped it."

Delilah laughed.

"Yeah, it was epic.

"Anyway, how do you know that? I thought you disliked Herbology."

"You're right, I don't. I just heard Longbottom explaining it to some poor second year."


Draco started writing. Delilah couldn't keep her eyes off of him. Honestly, why did he have to be so good looking?

His icy blue eyes glanced at her.

"What? Do I have food on my face?"

"No, I was just admiring your looks."

His face flushed.

"Thanks," he mumbled, focusing on his paper.

It took him longer to finish it than it normally would have. Delilah took credit.

"Ok, how does the conclusion look?" he asked.

She quickly looked it over.

"It's good."

"Great," he replied, relaxing.

He put his stuff in his bag and turned to Delilah.

"Now what shall we do?"

"I have a few ideas," Delilah said. She moved closer so their lips were millimeters apart.

He grinned and kissed her.

They pulled apart moments later. Delilah glanced at the clock and frowned. It was late. Then she glanced out the window and rolled her eyes. A group of merfolk were hanging out, exchanging money.

"It's late," Draco commented sadly. "We should go to bed."

Delilah nodded and kissed him again.


He smiled.


Sunday was uneventful until dinner. Delilah and Draco managed to borrow some glue from an older Slytherin and enlisted the help of others to put it down before dinner. They also convinced the house-elves to add the special treats to the Ravenclaw table as thanks for something they did.

Delilah and Draco got to dinner much too early, and with the help of the other Slytherins put the glue down and enchanting it so it wouldn't dry until it was pressed down.

Then they waited.

Slowly students shuffled in, talking and laughing.

The food appeared and Delilah quickly ate, focusing at the Ravenclaw table. She and Draco had been careful to keep any of the bad treats, like the puking pastilles or nosebleed nougats, off the table. They didn't want to do that to Madam Pomfrey.

Soon enough people started noticing strange things happening at the Ravenclaw table. People were fainting and hiccuping all over the place. A few even turned into canaries. Then a few tried to stand up. It didn't work too well for them. Luckily no one's pants ripped.

Somehow it wasn't until dessert was finished that the staff noticed. It took Flitwick less than a minute to get rid of the glue, but the staff's faces were priceless. Dumbledore was smiling as if Christmas had come early, Flitwick looked impressed yet angry, and Umbridge looked scandalized.

Delilah grinned at Draco.

"Mission accomplished."

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