"I swear, if you get the right brand it works better than the permanent sticking charm," Lyra joked.

They both laughed.

"So," Lyra slyly stated. "What are you planning in retaliation?"

"You'll see."

Lyra sighed, but didn't look surprised.

"Alright, that's fair. Where do you want to go next?"

"I don't know, where do you want to go?"

"What about Enchanted Forest?" Lyra suggested.

"Sounds great."

They spent a while messing around there, looking for cool items. This time there weren't many, so Delilah didn't buy anything.

"Want to head to Zonko's?" Lyra suggested.

Delilah grinned.


And so they went to Zonko's, but all the good stuff was sold out.

"All the good stuff's been sold, want to head back? It is almost dark...," Delilah suggested.

Lyra nodded, looking disappointed.

"Yeah... I was going to get some acid pops, but I guess not."

"Alright then," Delilah replied.

They headed back to the castle, said goodbye, promising to do it again later.

Delilah met Draco in the Entrance Hall.

"Hey, guess what I heard?" he immediately asked.


"Apparently your brother is making a defense club to protest Umbridge."

"Please tell me you didn't join," Delilah pleaded.

Draco snorted.

"I don't think they're letting any Slytherins in, you know how Gryffindors are."

Delilah had to agree. Even Harry hated her house.

"I guess we'll have to make our own. We do need to pass our Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L."

"Where? The Gryffindors were right that Umbridge wouldn't like it."

"The Chamber of Secrets," Delilah replied without hesitation.

"That makes sense," Draco agreed. "No one but you could get in. Well, and Harry, but I doubt he would."

Delilah nodded.

"So who should we do it with?"

Draco frowned, staring intently at the floor.

"I don't know, but we should discuss this somewhere more... private. Room of R?"

"Good idea, let's go."

Once in the Room of Requirement, they sat down on a comfy couch by the fire.

"So... I think the two of us would be fine, plus Daphne, and maybe Lyra? But she might go to Harry's.... I'll ask."

"True, what about Crabbe, Goyle, and the other fifth year Slytherins?"

Delilah hesitated.

"Well, I don't trust Crabbe, Goyle, nor Blaise. Pansy would tell Blaise, so she's out. I think Daphne would be good. We can talk to her later."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

"Anyone else?"

"What about Theodore? I think Daphne's dating him, so he might end up coming anyway."

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