Some crazy dude (2)

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Your POV

It has been some time since i learned how to use a knife and a gun. Nothing special has happened other than gathering supplies and staying inside.

We've got some games we like to play, like jenga. We try to keep it quiet around here. We're not trying to attract any walkers.

Morgan still sees his wife's corpse walking around. He likes to tell me about all the fun things they did together. It reminds me of my mom, she was great.

Every Friday night we have a family talk night, we either tell stories about our own family or make up cool stories about others.

I mostly talk about my own family, the most fun things i could think of. Soon i'll start telling made up stories, im running out of real ones.

I just wish none of this happened, i miss the times where i could hangout with friends and play tag and all those fun games.

I recall playing hide and seek with my classmates, gosh it was such a fun time. I was great at hiding. People used to wanna hide with me.

All i can think of is the good times, before all of this happened. Before everything became crazy. Ha, not much action in this story.

I'd like to change that overtime, though there's not much i can tell in action. It's just been all the same things over again.

You wouldn't wanna read about that. I'll just tell you all these depressed things until there's something i can tell you about, live.

Maybe soon you'll read about it. I hope you can. I'd like some drama right now, everything is just so boring without it.

There used to be lots of drama, but when there are barely any people to create drama, it all gets boring. In around 5 minutes we're going on a supply run.

I am currently tying my shoes, i always have my knife in my belt. I have to be able to reach it fast. Obviously.

I grabbed a empty backpack and put it on my back while making my way to the living room. Duane and Morgan were waiting for me to finish whatever i was doing.

I gave them a quick nod and we went outside and onto the road. We tried to just pass walkers rather than killing them.

It could create noise, noise is dangerous. Like i said before, we like to keep it quiet. We got near the stores when we saw a lot of walkers roaming around.

We decided it was best to find a different place or to just go back again. We couldn't risk getting eaten alive. Doesn't sound like a cool death to me.

We turned around and started heading back when we saw a man sitting down by a house. We also noticed a walker heading his way.

Morgan was quick to react and attacked the walker while the strange man looked shocked ready to attack Morgan.

"You killed that man!"

"Believe me, that thing isn't human."

"What the hell.."

"Believe it, or don't but we're in an apocalypse. How come you have just heard about it?"

Suddenly the man looked all fuzzy. He looking around him before he started talking.

"I was in a coma.. I woke up today. What the hell is going on!"


"Some crazy virus started spreading, it causes dead people to come alive again. We call them Walkers. They eat people, animals. Anything that's alive."

"We didn't believe it at first. It sounds crazy we know."

"I need to know if my wife's okay! My son!"

"Slow down, you have a bandage around your middle. We should check that out first. It could be a bite."

"My wife, son."

Suddenly the crazy dude got up and started walking towards this house. He couldn't even walk straight, it was like he was drunk.

He went in the house unprepared if there could be walkers or not. We followed quick after him. He started looking around noticing a lot of their stuff being gone.

"They're gone. They left, i have to find them!"

"In that condition you won't."

"You have to calm down."

"He doesn't seem so alright.."

Then the man fell to the ground. Great he either died or passed out. Morgan quickly kneeled by the man checking his pulse.

He let us know he's alive and both Duane and i took Morgans stuff so he could carry the man back to our house.

It wasn't far before we reached home and Morgan put the man on the couch. I grabbed some medical supplies and Morgan removed the bandages.

It revealed a bullet wound, it was a well recovered one. As Morgan was checking up on the dude i looked outside.

The world has became so grey. I miss the colorful sky, miss the kids playing outside. Most of all i miss my family.

Duane sat next to me as we watched the street. It sounds boring i know but i can guarantee, anything is fun when you got nothing to do.

Duane had to make a stupid joke that made us both absolutely crack up into laughter. Believe me it's worse than it sounds.

Morgan just gave us a stupid look. It was gonna be night soon and the dude still hasn't woken up. I started wondering if he would come back as a Walker.

It would stink, i was just so excited to know we aren't the only ones alive in our area. Sure the dude didn't know what was going on but none of us did. It won't be hard to explain.

I grabbed a can if beans out of a cabinet and grabbed a spoon. I never really liked beans but there's not much else to eat.

I ate in silent as i sat down on my mattress. I always just get lost in my thoughts while eating. All i want is to wake up from this nightmare.



We have been introduced to the crazy dude! Let's hope he'll wake up. I don't remember exactly what happened in season one so please bear with me. I try to follow the storyline not exactly the lines said in the show.

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