I bring my arms up to cover my face and also get thrown through the water. The warm water sends a shock through me and I flail my arms as I go flying through the air. I land in a slow moving river and everyone else follows.

"Everyone okay?" Robin asks as he resurfaces. His hair is weighed down by the water so it hangs in his eyes.

"Where are we?" Starfire questions. I look up and see we're in a massive ice cave filled with tall jungle trees that nearly touch the top of the cave. A pterodactyl also flies past my view.

"When are we?" Beast Boy adds as he taps Cyborg's head, prompting him to check his arm panel.

"We're not in the stone-age. It's still present day," the metal male states.

"Then we've still got to find Dr. Light," Robin says.

"Maybe if we're lucky, he got eaten by something down here," I say, earning an annoyed look from the Boy Wonder. "What? I highly doubt you actually want to wander the jungle to find him."

"It doesn't matter what I want. We still have to find Dr. Light whether we like it or not." Robin doesn't give me the chance to respond as he swims over to the edge of the river. The other Titans flash me uncomfortable looks before following the Boy Wonder.


I pull off my soaked jacket as every else does the same. Luckily, the rest of my clothes are miraculously still dry. The jacket hits the ground beside the river with a heavy, wet noise as I toss it down.

"Which direction?" Starfire asks as she scans the area.

"He was standing across from us when the ice gave way," Cyborg states. He starts leading us away from the river and towards some foliage. "He should have landed somewhere..." The mechanical Titan pushes some bushes aside and freezes. I look around him and see a group of velociraptors.

"Great, so I was right about Light being eaten by dinosaurs," I say.

"Beast Boy, perhaps you can communicate with them," Starfire suggests.

"Uh, nice dinos?" Beast Boy starts as he cautiously steps forward. The pack growls at him.

"Hey, genius. I think she means try it in their language," Raven scoffs. Beast Boy changes into a velociraptor and step up to one of the other dinosaurs. The two make squawking noises at each other for a minute before Beast Boy changes back.

"What did they say?" Robin asks.

"Well... they want to eat us," the shapeshifter says. With that the velociraptors charge. One goes to leap at me but suddenly stops as its eyes turn (f/c). The velociraptor jumps at the one next to it and the two fight. Unfortunately, a third joins the brawl and tosses the mind controlled one behind the bushes.

The two dinos turns to me, forcing me to back up. Apparently the other Titans find themselves in the same predicament as we get surrounded. Great, we're all gonna die down here. Just before the velociraptors can attack, something moves behind them. A muscular caveman and a girl with pink hair swing over on a vine.

The caveman lowers the girl down by her ankle and she turns to diamond. The caveman drops off the vine and lands between us and the velociraptors. The dinosaurs go flying as the caveman hits them with the girl made out of diamond. The remaining velociraptors run off.

"I'm Kole," the pink haired girl says as she becomes flesh and blood again.

"Teen Titans," Robin says before introducing us individually.

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