chapter five

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Isabel was sat at the hospital wondering where her boyfriend was at, more so, where her baby daddy was at.

She was going to give birth in the next hour, her boyfriend was no where to be found. Isabel had phoned him endless amount of times.

Isabel sighed, as she rubbed her stomach for the last time, she was in so much pain since she was in labour right now.

"Honey, I'm sure he's just running a bit late. Try not to panic." Isabel's father, Christian Eastwood rubbed his daughter's arm.

"Try not to panic? I'm 16-years-old and i'm in labour and the baby father is nowhere to be seen!" Isabel said, irritated to her father.

"I know, I'm sorry, Isabel. It'll all be over soon." Christian Eastwood reassured his daughter. What Christian really meant by over was Isabel's life in California.

They were moving to a town called Tree Hill in 2 weeks, Christian hadn't had the guts to tell his daughter yet, he wanted until after the stress of labour was over for her.

Christian had got himself the role as Mayor in Tree Hill. "Have you got her name yet?" Kelly Eastwood, Isabel's mother asked.

"Yeah, I have 2 options. Lyla-Rose or Lyla-Grace." Isabel told her mother, "I guess it'll just come to me when I see her for the first time. Her name's definitely Lyla tho." Isabel added with a small smile.

Even after all this, Isabel knew it was worth it. She was getting her baby, something that was hers and nobody else could take it away her.

Isabel cried out in pain for next 20 minutes, a doctor walked over to her, checked her. "Isabel, It's time to start pushing. The baby's ready to come." The doctor told her, she nodded.

Isabel held her mother's hand, began pushing her daughter out. She screamed, so loud her father covered his ears. "I can see her head, one big push, she should be out." The doctor assured her.

She pushed one last time, then finally, she heard her daughter's cries. She let out a sigh of relief, they handed Isabel her daughter. "Lyla-Rose." Isabel whispered to her daughter.

"What was that, Iz?" Kelly asked, "Lyla-Rose. That's her name." Isabel smiled, along with her mother and her father.

"Lyla-Rose Allie Eastwood." Isabel proudly spoke her daughter's name out loud. "She's beautiful, honey." Kelly came over, "Do you want to hold her?" Isabel asked, Kelly nodded.

Kelly gently and carefully placed her newly born granddaughter in her arms. "My first grandchild, Lyla-Rose" Kelly Eastwood spoke with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so proud of you, Isabel." Christian Eastwood told his daughter, "Thanks, dad. I couldn't have done it without yours and mom's help." Isabel smiled at her father.

"Christian, would you like to hold her?" Kelly asked her husband, "I'd love too." Christian said, he held his granddaughter. "She's so fragile." Christian told his wife and daughter.

"I know." Isabel said, soon enough Isabel was holding her daughter again. That day, she made a promise to always protect and keep her daughter safe.


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"I just had a flashback." Isabel spoke as she was sat on her bed with Nathan Scott, as Nathan played with Isabel's daughter. "Of what?" Nathan asked.

"My birth with Lyla." Isabel told him, "It was extremely painful, but it's definitely worth it." Isabel said, "What happened?" Nathan asked. "I mean, what happened with Lyla's father." Nathan asked his question again.

"He was supportive through the whole pregnancy, everyday of my pregnancy he was there, every scan, every bump update. But then, when I was in labour he just never showed up." Isabel spoke.

"He was my first love, we were only together for a year, I think he just freaked out, but then for my last 2 weeks in California before I moved here after I gave birth, he never reached out, he never came to see Lyla-Rose." Isabel told Nathan.

"Don't worry, you don't need him. He sounds like a jerk." Nathan said, as Lyla played with Nathan's hand. "He was." Isabel said, "He was captain of the soccer team, he never had time for me towards the end of my pregnancy." Isabel told Nathan.

"Aren't you technically still his girlfriend, if you never spoke after you left?" Nathan asked, "I texted him before I left ending things with him." Isabel's mind re-read the message that she had memorised.

I'm sorry, Jace. I'm leaving town today, my father's become mayor in a new town. I'm taking our daughter with me. You never even bothered to come and see her birth or even meet her. I don't ever want to see you again, we're over. Goodbye - Isabel.

"He read the text but never replied, of course." Isabel said, Nathan nodded his head at the girl he was practically in love with confused why any guy would ever want to leave her. She was perfect in his eyes, so was her daughter, Lyla-Rose.

"Isabel, I have a question I want to ask you. I've wanted to ask you since the first time I spoke to you." Nathan said to Isabel. "Go on." Isabel said. "I know we only officially became friends about 3 weeks ago, but I want to ask you if you'll go on a date with me." Nathan said.

Isabel was shocked, she blushed and nodded her head. It was safe to say, Isabel had been in denial all this time, she really did like Nathan Scott. "I'd love too, Nathan Scott." Isabel smiled, Nathan smiled back at her.

Nathan had never felt this way towards any girl before in his entire life, Isabel was different, she was perfect for him. "I'll pick you up, tomorrow at 7." Nathan said, stood up. "See you, Isabel." Nathan smirked, walked out.

Isabel's face was extremely pink from all the blushing she just done.

Nathan finally asked Isabel out!! I'm not sure if I like the whole flashback thing, let me know if you do or not!

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