chapter eight

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Isabel Eastwood woke up on her couch, she was confused to say the least. Then, yesterday's actions flash-backed in her head, which leads to her answer of why she was on the couch.

She went to her daughter's bedroom to see her standing up, holding on to the crib. "Good morning, sweetie." Isabel picked up her daughter, placed her on her hip.

She went to her bedroom, saw Nathan Scott still asleep laying in her bedroom. Isabel closed the bedroom door and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for her and Nathan.

She made a bottle for Lyla-Rose, fed it to her since she still wasn't able to eat solid foods yet. She could only eat porridges and things.

She finished making pancakes for her and Nathan, she began eating hers since Nathan was still asleep. Isabel was mainly waiting for Nathan to make it official between the two.

A few more minutes passed, Nathan Scott had finally woken up, he went to the kitchen where he found Isabel and Lyla-Rose. "Hey, good morning." Isabel smiled up at him, "Good morning." Nathan said.

"I made breakfast for us!" Isabel grinned at him, "Well, thank you." Nathan said, "They do look good." He added after he looked down at the pancakes. "Try one." Isabel told Nathan.

"Okay." Nathan said, took a bite out of the pancake. "Oh, my god. These are brilliant. Have you been taking cooking classes?" Nathan asked, continued eating the pancakes.

Isabel shook her head, "Nope, but that's mainly what my mom and I used to do when my dad was out of town. So, I used to have a lot of practice." Isabel said, Nathan nodded.

"I can tell. These are the best." Nathan said, finished his first pancake on his plate. "I wanna start to teach Lyla cooking when she turns about 3 or 4." Isabel said, they both looked down at Lyla-Rose.

Isabel looked down at Nathan as he stood up, her eyes were focused on his shirtless body. "I can feel you staring at me, 'Bels. If it's that distracting I can always go put a shirt on." Nathan teased Isabel.

"What? I was not staring!" Isabel lied, "I know you're lying. You're frowning." Nathan laughed, "How do you know If i'm lying or not." Isabel said, went to turn away.

Nathan grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. "I know this is not really the best moment, but I want to ask you a question." Nathan started, "Carry on." Isabel said, waiting for his question.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Nathan asked Isabel, She smiled widely and she nodded her head. "Definitely." Isabel said, Nathan pulled her into a hug. "Thank god you said yes." Nathan sighed in relief.

"I'd never say no to a guy like you, Nathan Scott." Isabel smiled, Nathan leaned down and kissed her, she kissed him back until they both felt slaps on their cheeks. "Lyla, what was that for?" Nathan asked, Isabel laughed.

"Am I not allowed to kiss your mommy?" Nathan asked the 8-month-old baby in Isabel's arms. Lyla-Rose shook her head, She couldn't say 'No' yet. "You heard it from the child." Isabel said, walked to the couch.

They both sat down on the couch, Isabel rested her head against Nathan's shoulder. "I did not think that this time one year ago, that I'd be without a baby father, and Nathan Scott as my boyfriend." Isabel joked, "You didn't even know me a year ago." Nathan told her.

"Oh yeah." She laughed, "Fine then, 8 months ago." Isabel rolled her eyes jokingly at her new boyfriend. "My mom invited me for dinner today, you wanna come?" Isabel asked, Nathan nodded "Sure." Isabel nodded at his response.

"I'm going to get ready, mind watching Lyla?" Isabel asked, "Of course, pass her here." Nathan opened his arms, Isabel passed her daughter over to Nathan.

She went and took a quick shower, put on some black ripped jeans with a black tank top and a red and black flannel. Isabel put her high top converse on, she quickly dried her hair.

Isabel then did her hair, decided to do some loose curls then walked back out to Nathan and Lyla. "Wow, you look beautiful, 'Bels." Nathan smiled at Isabel, came over to her and kissed her head, "Thank you." Isabel smiled.

"Your turn, Lyls." Isabel picked up her daughter, "You can use my bedroom if you want, I'll be in Lyla's room." Isabel said to Nathan, kissed his cheek before walking off to Lyla-Rose's bedroom.

Isabel changed her daughter into white bodysuit and black leggings, a white double pom hat. Isabel changed Lyla-Rose's diaper, put some cute shoes on her. A white winter fleece so she wasn't cold.

"Beautiful, baby." Isabel smiled, picked up her baby, before walking out to the living room where she saw Nathan sat there watching tv. Already dressed, "Ready?" Isabel asked, Nathan nodded.

"She looks like a polar bear." Nathan said to Isabel about Lyla-Rose. "Hey! She looks cute." Isabel slapped his arm. "Okay! Sorry." Nathan put his hands up in defence. "Let's go." Isabel said, they headed out the door.

— . . . —

"Hey." Isabel said, as she walked in to her house in-front of Nathan with Lyla on her hip. "I brought Nathan, I hope that wasn't an issue." Isabel said, "Oh, no. Of course not, the more the merrier, right?" Kelly Eastwood said, Nathan thanked her.

They sat down at the table, Josh, Isabel's brother, came downstairs. "Hey, man! I didn't know you were joining us for dinner." Josh said, speaking to Nathan since they play basketball together for the Ravens.

Everyone was in the middle of eating, Isabel decided to tell them she and Nathan were together. "Mom, dad. There's another reason why I brought Nathan here today." Isabel started.

"Oh, god. Are you pregnant again?" Kelly asked with her hand on her heart. "No, no, mom." Isabel laughed, so did everyone else. "Nathan and I were together, he made it official this morning." Isabel said, with a smile.

"Oh, thank god. It's about time." Josh said, "You're not mad i'm dating your sister?" Nathan asked, "Nope, 'cause I see how happy she is with you." Josh said, "I'm so happy for you too." Kelly said, with a bright smile. "You're a good kid, Scott. I'm glad my daughter chose you." Christian, Isabel's father, said.

"Thanks everyone, It really means a lot." Isabel smiled.

They're finally together!! Nathan and Isabel:))

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