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Kōenji PoV

Kɴᴏᴡɪɴɢ how perfect I am is the best achievement you can have because I have everything, looks, wealth, intelligence, physical strength, Charisma, and every good traits you can think of.

Ōғ course as a perfect human being I have full control of my freedom so I do whatever I want whenever I want. Responsibility? That's for old heads. I will only have responsibility when I inherit my family business so as of now I'm free of having responsibility.

Eɴᴛɪᴄɪɴɢ ladies is what I often do because it's the most easiest thing to do, why? It's easy if you have good looks or have a lot of money, if you have both then it's easier but for me? Hahaha! I'm perfect so as I said I have everything so to me it's the easiest thing to do it's like picking what is the best flower.

Nᴏᴡ you might ask, how did I became a perfect existence? Do you want an answer? Unfortunately I can't answer a question like that because I as perfect existence can't allow anyone to attain it easily you need to find it yourself, so if you thought you will have an answer. I'm sorry but you can't.

Jᴜsᴛ so you know I'm perfect not because of some superpowers given by gods, I obtain this myself, everyday I keep myself perfect by working out and more, so if you want perfection you can't just be strong enough to take it you also need to be strong enough to keep it.

Iɴ this wide world I may not be the only perfect human but even if there are some perfect humans I won't let them be perfect than me, so I would like to meet them.

"Rokusuke you will attend ANHS." My father told me.

"Hahahaha! Sure." Looking at myself everyday in a mirror doesn't is the best.

"You need to prove me your a so called 'perfect'." He dare doubt my existence.

"Don't worry proving it is what I always do."

"Then goodluck."

"A Perfect existence like me doesn't need any luck so you better keep it, it might come in handy." (Perfect- he said in english.)

ANHS hope you have a perfect someone like me.


Sorry if Kōenji is not like this but this how I imagine based on light novels.

What do think?

I didn't reveal his past yet because I can't come up with a story, well I can but it will just be plain like be a natural Genius.

So wait for it in the future.

Classroom of the Elite: GeniusDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora