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Entering her apartment, Wonyoung slips to her pyjamas and gets her laptop.
She writes a post in her fake social media account, claiming to be the fiance of the Mafia King.

After everything she's gone through, her desire to kill the person who ruined her life is quite justifiable. And getting the public's attention by claiming she is the Mafia King's fiance is the best way to find him, who's identity is still unknown.

She claps her hands as she sees her post getting so many shares and comments. Some found it funny and others thought it was true.

"Go and comment all you want, you're only adding my profit, pathetic internet losers" She laughs at the idiots in the comment section.

"My day can't get any better" Wonyoung rests her head in her bed. "How about I gamble?" She asks herself
"No better way to test my luck than getting revved in the Casino, am I right?" She says to the wall looking like an idiot.

"Dumb goose" Wonyoung mumbles as she changes to a bodycon dress before driving to a prominent Casino in Seoul frequented by rich bastards.


Wonyoung entered the Casino but was stopped by the security guard. "Maam, You look underage, can we see your ID?"
"Fuck you, Im 26. You're new here aren't you?!" She angrily replied. "I will need to see your ID maam, we have policies to follow". She's getting annoyed now.

Digging through her bag, she gets a card. A fake one obviously, since she's still 20.
She gave the security guard an ID named Vicky Park but the guard was getting suspicious. "Didn't you tell me you were 26? Why does it say you were born in 2003?". Wonyoung's eyes widened. She accidentally gave the guard the ID she used in one of her missions from the previous week when she pretended to be a student to infiltrate school files.

"Oh wait, I think I was mistaken, that's not really my ID, its my cousin's", She tried to come up with an excuse. "How come the picture looks just like you?" The guard asks. " What the fuck is wrong with you?! Bitch ass guard! I said I'm 26, let me the fuck in!" her blood was boiling.

"Maam can you please calm down and give me your real ID? Or else Im gonna have to call back up" The guard said. By now Wonyoung was ready to throw hands. "YOU RETARDED IMBECILE!! I CAN FUCKING BUY THIS STUPID ASS CASINO IF I WANT TO! IM THE MAFIA KING'S FIANCE, YOU UGLY PIECE OF GARBAGE!" She blurted out. One thing you've probably noticed by now is that, Wonyoung, is short tempered. How did she become successful as a spy? That comes down to her stamina, training and possessing a myriad of skills like hacking and impersonation. But she also has quite a lot of flaws like now.

Someone heard her claim as the Mafia king's fiance and chuckled, as if mocking her. "What are you laughing at shithole?" She hisses. This time, you know she's getting herself into a lot of trouble. "Oh nothing, I just find it quite funny. I mean no one knows who the Mafia King is but here you are proclaiming you're his fiance" The guy says with a smug look on his face.

Wonyoung furrowed her eyebrows and turned to face the man. "And what does that have to do with you?" She steps forward and raises her chin levelling with the guy. Their faces are just a few inches away from each other. The man picks a few pieces of her hair from her shoulder and twirls it in his finger. "You know, a hot chick like you shouldn't just go around claming you're the Mafia King's fiance, You'll get yourself into a lot of trouble missy" He whispers to he her ears while smiling seductively.

Wonyoung feels her blood rushing to her cheeks. She was about to slap the man when he suddenly says "Open the door, let the lady in. She's with me"

The guard bows and follows the man's orders. "Shall we?" He says smiling while looking at her. Wonyoung was dumbfounded, what has she gotten herself into? Her feet just walked by itself following the guy into the Casino.
"Do you own this place or something?" She asks the guy while walking in the hallway. "You could say that" he replied.

"Why did that cocky guard obey you and shit?" She questions. " You really need to stop cussing" He shakes his head. Wonyoung rolled her eyes "It's my fucking mouth, I can say whatever the fuck is I want". The guy just laughed.

"Say, how did you and the mafia king meet? If you're his fiance you must know who he is, am I right?" The man says while opening the door to a room.

"Why are you so curious about him? He's Old and wrinkly and in his forties. There's nothing to talk about him" Wonyoung remarked while getting a ticket from the cashier.

The man chuckles, "Are you sure about that?" He leans to the counter. "Why? Are you doubting me?" Wonyoung raises her eyebrows. The man just shakes her head.

"How about this, let's gamble. If you win I'll give you whatever you want, But If I win.... " The man pauses. "what happens when you win?" Wonyoung looks at him directly in the eyes. He comes closer to her ear, close enough that she can feel his breath on her neck. "You'll have to tell me about the Mafia king". The man puts his hands on his pockets and lean back, looking at her.

Wonyoung gives him a quizzical look "What if I don't want to?". "Well then you won't be able to leave here" He smiles at her and takes a step back and sat at the couch in the room.

"What!?" She angrily asks "The fuck are you to keep me locked up in here?!"

He didn't answer, Instead he pours wine into two glasses and hands her the other one. "You seriously think I'll drink that? Who knows what shit you put in there?" Wonyoung says looking at the glass on her hand.

The man throws the drink into the wall, breaking the glass, startling Wonyoung. "Well, Im easy to talk to" He turns around to the exit but she stops him
"Hold on! Ill do it" She says. "Good girl" The man smiles.

The game is starting, Wonyoung doesn't have any good cards and is quite nervous about losing, but she maintains composure. One by one they place their cards. The man rolled up his sleeves, showing he's really into the game. 'Wow, God must have really took his time crafting this man. He's a work of art, I won't be bothered staying here' Wonyoung thought while looking at his veiny arms. She clears her throat to dismiss her thoughts.

The man was smirking, looks like he has an ace up his sleeve. Wonyoung gulped, she's getting quite nervous about the ending. But through her skills in gambling, She manages to turn the table around and took it to her best advantage. She places her winning cards on the table and wins.

The man claps "Nice game miss. So, tell me what you want? You can have as far as getting a night with me" He winks at her. She was getting on it "Wanna know what I want?" She playfully says.
She comes closer to him putting her hands on his neck. She whispers "I want to get out of this hellhole" and steps back.

The man bursts out laughing. "Alright then" He presses a button on some kind or device and an employee comes into the room "Escort this lady out, make sure she gets home safe" He comes near her and licks her neck " We don't want anything to happen to the Mafia King's fiance do we?" He smiles and steps back before saying " Adios, Mafia King's fiance" He laughs and exits the room.

Wonyoung was flustered. 'If only you weren't hot, I would have inserted a hundred bullets in your body'. She follows the employee to the parking lot and drives her way home.


"Where have you been? I've been calling you for the last hour" A man sitting in a couch asks a guy who just entered the room "Oh I was out gambling with a hot chick"  He smiles."She says she's the Mafia King's fiance" He adds while picking up a glass of whiskey.  The other guy creased his forehead, "What?! What did you do this time Sunghoon?!" "Does She know the Mafia King is you?!"

"That's what's funny, She doesn't even have any idea about me but she goes around saying she's my fiance" Sunghoon says shaking his head.

"You know that could lead you to a number of problems, You better get rid of it before it gets out of hand"

"Hm, how about you take care of it Jay?" Sunghoon raises his eyebrows "You don't seem to have a lot of work these days, you've been screwing half the models in the industry" He rolls his eyes.

The Jay guy just gave Sunghoon a weird look before shaking his head and leaving the room.


Better Than RevengeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz