"Well your one to talk since when have you kissed your crush Hmm... who was it again oh wait ARIES!"

"Ok stop abusing me and hurry up and help." He stated as he sighed heavily and quietly muttered that he was going to have brain damage because of everyone he has to deal with.

We searched around the area for a while until I noticed something strange..

"Uhhh Scorp I think I found something...."

"Where?" He asked as he headed over.

"There is a letter here and it's not destroyed or burnt its like it had been here after the fire." I explained as he furrowed his brow.

"I guess we should see what it says then."

"Ok I guess."

Dear Scorpio and Capricorn

"Hey why is it addressed to us?" Asked Scorpio as I felt a shiver go down my spine. Had someone been watching us.

"Ok let's just carry on to see what it has to say." I said as I sighed while looking around cautiously.

I just knew you guys would come back searching for your.. "friend" or whatever it's called Sagittarius right?

We'll just so you know he's in...... safe... hands...

But I don't recommend for you guys to search for him since YOU WOULD REGRET IT very much once you find him...

But since you guys are hopless anyways I'll give you a clue....

All you have to do is search for this place and find the next letter which I doubt you would find... you may even have to search the whole world for these letters. So your journey awaits you and just a warning to you! You are never safe wherever you are since there are always people watching....

So here is your first clue...

This one is going to be sadly easy but the rest won't be and also you have only three weeks!

Or else... hmmm... you wait and see!

Anyways here is the first clue!

A metal "A" that sheds light, towering to the sky, but please don't all me Evil what am I?

Yeah this one is easy as I said but it soon won't be!

Signed by

I stared at the signature at the end of the letter and it looked awfully familiar liked I had seen it a dozen times before yet I couldn't get hold of what it was..

"Hmm... a metal A that towers in the sky... sounds familiar." Scorpio muttered as suddenly his eyes shone.

"You got it?" I asked him as he nodded.

The zodiac journey~ •1•Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora