''Like i said before, you look very interesting.'' They said. ''interesting enough to rip your soul from your body.''

Their grip on her arm got stronger. It hurt, because her wounds were still healing. 

''Let go of me!'' she shouted. ''Or i'll do something you won't like it.''

Eternity gave her a serious stare. 

''Do it.'' they said. ''i dare you.''

Earlia used her electricity powers to electrocute them, and they let go of her arm. As soon as they did, she started to run. 

''Oh? powers? That makes me want your soul even more.'' They said. ''People with powers have the best souls.''

Eternity appeared in front of her and grabbed her by both of the arms. 

She struggled, and tried to get out of their grip, but they were stronger than her.

''Aww, you don't have to run, sweetheart.'' they said. ''It won't hurt that much..trust me.. You'll only feel a ripping stinging pain, and then you'll fall weak to your knees and fall into a deep sleep forever.''

They slowly brought their hand towards Earlia's chest. It glowed a flaming yellow and red, and she could feel the heat erupting from it. 

She didn't know what to do, she didn't know what to think. The only thing that ran through her mind was fear fear fear and more fear.

She sweated, waited to feel the excruciating pain. But something unexpected happen.

Something clucked Eternity right in the head, and it landed on the ground right next to them.

They leaned down, still not letting go of Earlia, and looked at it.

'' a rock? who threw that?'' they said. 

''Me.'' said a voice in front of them. 

Eternity looked up. It was a girl. More specifically, it was Martha.

''hmm?'' Eternity said. ''Another female..who are you?''

''What? you don't remember me?'' Martha said. ''But who i am doesn't matter right now. You better leave that girl alone.''

Eternity brought Earlia closer. 

''What are you going to do if i don't?'' they said. ''I could rip her up right here.. right now.. what is a weak little girl like you going to do about it?''

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