'Please come back, papa,' Sylvie said mentally.

'I will, Sylv, I promise,' I reassured her mentally.

Sylvie nodded before we broke the hug. I gave her one more head pat before I walked out of the tent with Regis. Regis jumped into my core before I godstepped to the rendezvous point where I had to meet Caera.

As I appeared, I looked around, looking for her.

"I'm right here."

I turned around, looking towards the voice. I smiled, seeing Caera walk out from the shadows. She wore her leather armor and had a determined look.

"You ready?" I asked as she walked up to me.

"Ya, I'm ready," Caera nodded before she looked at me seriously. "Arthur, I don't think I need to tell you that we must exercise caution. Seris is a formidable adversary."

I nodded, "I understand. We have to be ready for anything. Regis will stay in my core and will only appear if absolutely necessary."

Caera looked towards the ground as she grabbed her chin, looking deep in thought. "So, a secret weapon. Smart."

I smirked, "Exactly. They won't know about my aether abilities or about Regis. We will have the element of surprise."

Caera nodded as she took out the tracking medallion, "Sounds good."

I watched her curiously as she closed her eyes, wrapped her hand around the medallion, and stood there for a few seconds. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"I have his location. He's not far," Caera said.

"Good," I said as I godstepped next to her.

She jumped back, a little surprised, and grew wide-eyed as I picked her up bridal style.

"Waaaa! What do you think you're doing?!" She yelled, flustered in a high-pitched voice.

I held her close as I looked at her with a raised brow. "What do you mean? I'm going to fly us there, obviously. Sylvie isn't coming with us, so you can't ride on her back. I can't portal there, so I will fly us there. Unless you want me to leave you."

Caera blushed slightly and looked away from me, "O-oh... that makes sense."

I smiled a little as I shook my head, seeing her flustered, "Alright, hold on."

"Oka- WAAAAAAA!" Caera yelped as I took off from the ground at a high velocity.

Caera immediately wrapped her arms around me and buried her head deep in my chest. I felt as she dug her mana-coated nails into my back like she was holding on for dear life.

"C-Caera. Ease up a little. You're going to draw blood," I groaned as we flew out of the dungeon.

"S-sorry," Caera said muffled.

"Now. Where to?" I asked as I flew up high into the night sky and levitated in the air.

"S-southwest." Caera stuttered as she continued to bury her head into my chest.

I raised a brow as I felt her shaking slightly. My brows raised, and a smirk formed on my face as I registered what was wrong.

"Why, Caera, are you afraid of heights?" I asked teasingly.

"S-Shut up." Caera stuttered as she held me tighter.

"Don't worr- Woah!" I yelled as I pretended to almost drop her.

"Ahh!!!" Caera yelled dramatically as she sunk her nails deeper into my back. "Stop you ass!!"

I chuckled as I held her close, "Caera, don't worry. I got you."

TBATE-PRODIGYOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora