Chapter 39: Salutations and Farewells

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Like sand in an hourglass, the remaining moments of the final weeks of the school year were fleeting. The hallways that were once draped in the silence and stresses that accompanied the end of year tests were now bustling with life. The reason was uttered by groups of students as they shared in both sentimental smiles and tears. The final day of the school year had arrived.

Ken walked along the familiar corridors of the first floor navigating through the crowds as he looked for someone in particular. Just as he was about to reach for his cell phone in defeat, a pair of blonde pigtails arrived at his side.

"Looking for me?"

With a smug grin, Sonya shuffled along while Ken slowed his pace to match her.

"Yes, actually. They gave us the afternoon off and I was wondering if you wanted to play Dark Olympia?"

"Are you actually suggesting that we bail on all of the third years? Don't you have anyone that you want to say goodbye to?"

Looking up at him with a disgusted grimace, Sonya narrowed her eyes as Ken touched his glasses uncomfortably.

"Well... I guess I was used to leaving early since I did last year."

Sonya shook her head and let a long sigh escape her lips.

"You're such an idiot... C'mon, let's go to the courtyard. There's a few people that I wanted to say goodbye to. I don't want to go alone."

Meeting his eyes with her own Sonya gave a stare that didn't leave room for discussion. Ken wondered when it had become so commonplace for her to be so honest. Letting his eyes rest on hers a little too long, he felt his cheeks grow warm and tried to move the conversation along.

"S-sure, I'll follow you."

Sonya shrugged and started to walk towards the archway leading to the courtyard. The large tree that was the centerpiece of the area towered above them. Small buds had started to appear on the branches and was a sure sign that spring was upon them once more. However, the scene below was different from any other day in the school year.

Crowds of students exchanged and mingled as heartfelt goodbyes were broadcasted beside plans for the future. Ken and Sonya stayed off to the side as they surveyed the area. In the mix of unfamiliar students, Ken noticed someone that he knew.

"Hey, was that Lyra?"

"Yeah, Elise recruited everyone to monitor the halls in case things get out of hand. She's really taking her job seriously. Believe it or not."

With an unusual armband, his sister appeared to be monitoring the courtyard as she slowly stepped through the crowd.

"They didn't recruit you too?"

"Hmph... Mary told them that I needed to go and say goodbyes to all the third years that helped me this year. So, I get the time off. I asked for you to be excused too."

Her consideration made Ken feel grateful. However, something about Sonya's explanation sounded fishy.

"Sounds like you were going to bail on the third years until Mary reminded you..."

"Shut up."

With a scowl, Sonya turned and walked away as Ken sped up to follow her. He couldn't help but smile at her flustered expression. Noticing his amusement, Sonya felt the smile spread to her as well.

Yet, their exchange was cut short by the appearance of a short girl with large spectacles. Immediately noticing her as Sue Ellen from the newspaper club, Sonya raised her hand to wave, but quickly withdrew it. Ken looked puzzled at her reaction until he realized the cause. While other upperclassmen were surrounded by groups of friends, Sue Ellen was standing alone.

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