Chapter 3: Admission and New Partner

Start from the beginning


  Timeskip - 1 hour

  We arrived at a massive building that covers 3 city blocks. Iska said that it was the academy which surprised me greatly. I didn't expect it to be so huge. He told me to follow him to the headmaster's office so that he report in on his assignment and so that the headmaster may interview me.

  We entered the building and we walked down the halls. As we did, I looked off to right to see people outside sparring in their Armor, and it was incredible how they fought. But sadly I didn't have time to stand around and watch them go at it. We kept walking until we arrived at the office. Iska knocked on the door and a voice inside said, "Come in." He opened the door and we went in, and I saw an elderly man sitting at the desk. The man was bald with huge, thick, grey eyebrows and a goatee, multiple ear piercings, and large earlobes. He wore a white robe with a long, dark skirt reaching down to his ankles.

  "Ah, Iska I assume that you completed your assignment without any issues?" The old man asked

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  "Ah, Iska I assume that you completed your assignment without any issues?" The old man asked. Iska replied, "Yes, sir. But something else happened that you may find interesting." "Oh, what might that be?" The old man inquired. Iska gestured to me and said, "This guy fought the horde alone and was able to kill half of them by the time I arrived on site." The old man looked at me surprised and said, "What might your name be, boy?" I responded, "Asta, I used to be a Magic Knight of Clover Kingdom." "Well Asta, I'm Yoshinobu Gakuganji, the headmaster of the Makai Arts Academy. Seeing that Iska has brought you here, I can only assume that you asked him to let you join the Makai Order, correct?" I answered, "Actually, it's the other way around. Iska invited me to join."

He looked at the Makai Knight, once again surprised. "He's telling the truth, sir. I was greatly impressed that he was able to destroy so many Horrors on his own, so I offered him to join the Order." Iska explained. Gakuganji then asked him, "Do you know how he was able to accomplish this feat?" Then, a female voice spoke, "Apparently, he's a Devil Host, but the Devil is inside his grimoire instead of his body." I looked around trying to find out where that voice came from. "Does this Devil control the boy?" The headmaster asked. The voice replied, "No, and it appears that Asta and his Devil have yet to form a contract. The boy also said that he had only become aware of the Devil in his grimoire little more than a week before he met Iska." I followed the voice to the necklace around Iska's neck. "Your necklace can talk?" I asked him. "My name is Silva, I'm a Mado Necklace." The necklace introduced itself.

Gakuganji changed the subject, "Well, before I approve of your admission into the academy, I would like to hear your reasons for wanting to become a member of the Makai Order, as well as your Devils motives." I told him the same thing I told Iska before he asked me if I wanted to join the Order, and the headmaster was pleased with my answer, and asked what my devil's motives were. I responded, "I don't know, I never was able to talk to them nor have they talked to me." Gakuganji suggested, "Try to establish a connection with your devil. Call out to it in your mind and it will respond to you. The rest is up to you."

I did what he advised and called out in my mind, 'Hey are you there, Devil?' Then, I found myself in a red void and the massive silhouette of a devil appeared before me. It looked down at me and said, "Did you call for me?" I replied, 'Yeah, you've been watching everything up to now, haven't you?' "Of course I have." He replied. 'Then, you already know what I'm going to ask. So, what do you want?' He answered, "I want the entire Devil race to go extinct." I was shocked to here that he wanted to commit genocide against his own kind. I wanted to know why he wanted to do such a thing, so I asked him, and he told me his story

(The same story as the canon.)

  I felt sorry for him and I said to him, 'I'm sorry you had to go through all that, really I am.' He answered, "You're not like most humans I've encountered, they usually don't show sympathy towards devils." I replied, "You shouldn't write off someone as bad before you get to know them first. Just like Licita, there will always be someone out there who never discriminates others for what they are." Then I realized something important. I asked, "By the way, you haven't told me your name yet?" The Devil replied, "Liebe. That's what Licita named me." I smiled and said as reached out my hand to him, "Well Liebe, how about we work together as members of the Makai Order? I'm sure that we'll grow strong enough to defeat Lucifero when he arrives in the human world." He shrank down to my size and reached his hand to shake mine. "I'm with you, partner."

  I opened my eyes to see Gakuganji and Iska looking at me, and the former asked, "Were you able to learn your devil's intentions?" I nodded and explained everything Liebe told me. The old headmaster looked me in the eyes as I spoke every word of what my devil told me and after I was done, he said, "I see, that is truly a tragedy." I asked Gakuganji, "Sir, would it be alright if Liebe were to join the Order as well? I know just from speaking with him he's not an evil being, just in terrible pain." He thought for a moment before replying, "From what you've told me, this Liebe has no enmity towards the human race, but he does resent the majority of humanity for it's unjust discrimination toward him despite being a child. If he were to join the Makai Order, he must learn to control his emotions. Also from the way you speak of him, it appears that your relationship is akin to that of a Makai Knight and their Mado rings and necklaces. They are partner work work together to carry out their duties as protectors of humanity. I personally believe that you will become one of the greatest Makai Knights in existence, perhaps as great as the Golden Knight. You're both admitted, but first we should release Liebe from the grimoire." I nodded and he gestured us to follow him. We did and we began heading out to free Liebe from the five leaf grimoire.

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