Chapter 4

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"Girl it's tutor time now hurry up." Alya dragged Marinette off of the floor as she put everything in her bag and they ran into the room.
"SORRY WE ARE LATE! MARINETTE TRIPPED ON THE STAIRS!" Alya shouted and everyone laughed.
"It's fine just sit down." Miss Bustier smiled and they rushed to their seat.
Tutor time is fun, they can talk and go on their phones, it's just so the teachers know we are safe before we leave, it's for a full 30 minutes too. Everyone was having fun talking to their buddy.
"7:00 PM tonight." Marinette reminded Alya and she nodded.
"Excuse me, Adrien." Kagami tapped Adrien on the shoulder while he was talking to Nino.
"Yes Kagami?" He replied.
"Could you meet me at the Arc De Triomphe at 7:05 tonight please, I have to tell you something." She asked him.
"Oh uh, sure." He smiled before turning back to Nino and Kagami went onto her phone.
"Should we stay and eavesdrop?" Alya whispered to Marinette and she frantically nodded.
"Ok class! 20 more minutes and you can leave." Miss Bustier announced and she went onto her computer.
Rose ran up to the front of the classroom and clapped her hands.
"Can I have everyone's attention?" She asked and everyone turned to her.
"Ok so, tommorow night i'm hosting a huge sleepover at Croakhale Cabins and i'm inviting all of you! If you do want to come please come at 3:30 PM to Cabin 182! Thank you!" She smiled and skipped back to her seat.
"Are you going?" Alya asked Marinette.
"Yea sure, you?"
"Of course girl!" Alya cheered.
Everyone around the classroom was nodding and agreeing.
"We could say we are going to a fencing convention?" Adrien asked Kagami.
"That could work, i'll tell my mother." Kagami looked straight at him.
"Ok." Adrien turned back to Nino while Kagami was staring at the back of his head.
"She's kind of scary." Alya whispered to Marinette.
"You'll get used to it." Marinette laughed.
"Dismissed." Miss Bustier shouted and everyone fanned out of the room and slowly evaporated from the building while Mr Damocles shut the doors.
"Bye Alya!" Marinette waved as Alya walked her way.
"I can't believe it Tikki, i'm actually going to tell Alya tonight, and then possibly hear Kagami confess!" Marinette squealed.
"Aren't you jealous?" Tikki asked from her bag.
"No of course not! I like someone else now." Marinette smiled.
"If you say so, but didn't your parents leave town today? The bakery is closed so your on your own."
"Oh your right!" Marinette took out the key and opened the door, shutting and locking it after.
"We've got the house to ourselves, I can roam free!" Tikki flew out of her bag and flew everywhere in the house she couldn't get a full glimpse of.
"Well we've got it for a week so make the most of it." Marinette laughed.
"Ok!" Tikki shouted from the other room.

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