Chapter 1: New Girl

Start from the beginning

"Jesus, you act like I'm gonna get knocked up like you did!" I immediately regret saying that. Mom hated thinking about our dad who got her pregnant with Priscella in high school. But she didn't get mad at me, she continued to put away dishes into cupboards only replying, "No dating and that's final."

She must have been tired from unpacking all day, usually she'd put up a fight. Whatever, I guess I'll go unpack. It was better than being in the living room with mom.

I close my room door behind me and stare at myself in the closet mirror. Might as well take my makeup off. All I wore everyday was blush, concealer, eyebrow and mascara. I liked easy and simple. My sister on the other hand was a pro at it, she'd been doing it since she was 11.

Mom always insisted I put some on too saying 'don't you want to look pretty' every time I refused. But eventually I gave in when Jackie showed me how easy I could make it.

I began revising my plan for tomorrow in my head. Remember Millie, just lay low and let these two years fly by. Then I can move out and finally be free.

The thought of meeting cute boys sits on my mind. With my newfound confidence and killer body, I could land any guy I wanted. I could slip that into my 2-year plan. Sex was something I wanted to concur. Be the best at. And the only way to do that, was to have lots of it.

I woke up early the next morning. I had to if I wanted to make time to cut my bangs into effortlessly straight. I put on my Metallica Band tee shirt and a short black skirt paired with doc martens. Mom dropped us off at 7a.m sharp just like she said she would.

"Have fun and make friends!" She yells driving off. Mom was never the sentimental type. The school was a regular California high school. The buildings were scattered, the lockers and hallways were outside, and the cafeteria was in front. There were students everywhere, it was pretty packed. Everyone saunters around greeting their friends while I stand there like a deer in headlights.

I hated crowds. I was never good at making friends so I'm a bit out of my comfort zone. Priscella says 'later' and leaves me on my own. I had no idea where to go. Should I ask someone? Nah I'll find my way. I head to the office to get my schedule; it took me about 10 minutes to find. But I only found it because I saw Priscella coming out of it.

Since we moved here one week after school started, I didn't get to pick my electives. So, they were assigned randomly for me. They were Choir and something called Sports Equip. UGH! I groan, flinging the paper and accidentally dropping it. Seriously.

I bend down to grab it when a dude walks by catching my attention. I couldn't look away. He only glanced at me for a second and kept walking, but he was the finest black man I have ever seen. I mean blue eyes?? God must've wanted to torture all women. He had his hoodie up and wore dickie pants. His right arm carried a skateboard.

I got back up and fixed my skirt. I wonder who that was. As the day went by, I found it easier to fly under the radar. No one seemed to care in California. In Michigan, if you were new, you were a celebrity to them.

Here, it was as if I was just some other girl. I even got through lunch without anyone bothering me. Course I did hide at the football field. Can't risk someone asking me to come to their table. No thank you. But my happiness was short-lived when I sat in algebra class. A short little Mexican girl introduces herself.

"Hey, I'm Kimberly or Kimmy, love your shirt, my dad's a big fan." I was half asleep when I heard her. She was very cheery for being in math class.

"Yeah, they're dope." I turn my attention back to the teacher, Mr. Flores who's clearly wearing a toupee.

"You remind me of my friend Alex, all lonerish but cool about it" She continued on. "Alex hates people and I mean I get that, people are annoying, but some aren't so bad." She was a talker wasn't she. I look over at her, noticing how pretty she is up close. Her hair was extremely dark brown, almost black, her lips were full, and her eyebrows were perfectly bushed.

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