I swear that I almost smile just at the mere sight of her.

That is until I realize that she seems to be walking towards me, taking long strides in her white wedges.

My converse-clad feet barely take five full steps forward when they suddenly cease their progression, my body becoming completely rigid almost simultaneously.

Wait...is she pissed at me?

My eyes are practically on autopilot as they begin to check out the blonde, her curled tresses being the first thing that they notice. Courtney's hair is curled in large, soft curls, the top half of the hair being pinned back with a white bow.

Going further down, I take in the angered expression on her face. Her light brown eyebrows are pulled together which causes her eyes to narrow. Her cherry-colored lips are set in a pout, her nose scrunched up in an adorable manner.

Truthfully, she looked more cute than intimidating.

Next, my eyes connect with the white long sleeved shirt that she is wearing. I do not miss the gold locket that hangs from her neck, also noticing the gold hoop earrings that are dangling from her ears and the charm bracelet that is clasped around her wrist. Her legs look incredibly toned in her jeans, practically appearing edible.

I recognize these specific jeans as being her favorite because she loves the way that they fit her.

There is a thunderous pounding in my eardrums that only seems to become louder and louder the closer that the blonde gets to me.

My heart races in my chest from both anticipation and fear of confrontation.

Some kids seems to stop what they are doing as they instead stare at the hotheaded blonde-haired girl with confused facial expressions.

I wait until she is about three feet away from me to finally attempt to say something to her.

"Courtney, what are you-"

The palm of Courtney's manicured hand presses flat against my chest with a force so strong that I stumble backwards until my back connects with the cold locker doors.

The reverberating sound of my back slamming against the steel lockers is loud, making it hard to go unnoticed by nearby students.

It could be my paranoia talking, but I swear that there is a brief moment of silence in the hall following this sound.

I barely have time to ponder on this, much less breathe, as Courtney presses her cherry-stained lips to my pink ones.

Any ounce of pain that I may have felt is long forgotten and replaced by pure confusion.

Has she completely lost her mind?!

Her warm palms press into my hips, effectively keeping my tensed body pressed back against the locker doors.

There are sounds of confusion and gasps of surprise that exit the mouths of the onlooking students who surround us. These sounds are soon followed by some of the guys cheering us on, yelling typical misogynistic phrases.

I am stunned.

What does she think she's doing?!

I thought that she wanted to keep our thing undercover?

The tip of the blonde's tongue runs along the seam of my lips in an attempt at parting them.

It is as if my body has a mind of its own, relaxing against the metal lockers and the blonde's front. My brain is screaming obscenities at my body yet not sending signals down to actually get it to stop. With the final thought of 'screw it', I give into Courtney's advances. My lips parting to allow her tongue entrance being the final nail in the coffin for any common sense that I may have had left.

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