Chapter 8

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Hamish woke up to the smell of cooking meat and a chill in the air. Duran was still asleep, but his body always radiated warmth.

Hamish could find happiness just about anywhere, but he craved the excitement of the unknown. Simon didn't really understand that. He had his husband and his child and, once he had a home again, he would be content spending his days planting vegetables and checking crab pots. He appreciated peace in a way Hamish couldn't. Hamish would rather die young than grow old quietly.

Duran took a deep breath in and let it out as he stretched.

"Good morning," Hamish said.

"Mmh," Duran responded.

"You still good?"

Duran rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes. "Please stop worrying about me. It's very annoying."

Hamish let out a huff of laughter. "Fair enough. It doesn't mean I think you're weak or anything, you know."

"Well I don't see you going to check in on the emotional well-being of that orc who sucked you off, so it means something, doesn't it?"

"It means you're my friend. Almost family, since Simon is like a brother to me and Danya is like a brother to you. But I get your point. You don't like it. I'll stop"

Duran let out a deep sigh. "Sorry. Acting like this probably doesn't really do a great job of convincing you that I'm not that sensitive."

"See, that's kind of why I'm cautious. I know you're worried about how I might see you, and that could lead to you hiding your feelings. But if I deal with that by being careful with you, it just becomes a cycle."

"Just let me worry about me. I'll be fine."

"I'll try." Hamish sighed. "I guess we should get up. Think you can make me very warm so I don't freeze as soon as I get out from under here to grab my clothes?"

"Of course."

When they left the hut, they found Slone already up and chatting with the orcs. He was holding a large bone with most of the meat gnawed off.

"Venison for breakfast!" Slone announced when he saw them. "Eat as much as you can. Orcs respect a good appetite and we gotta take our free meals where we can get 'em."

"It's not that far to the coast, is it?" Duran asked. "And then... well, I've never sailed before, but I imagine it's faster than walking. It shouldn't take us longer than our supplies will last to get home, should it?"

"Shouldn't do," Slone said. "But we shouldn'ta ended up out here, right? I don't make plans mostly 'cause I'm bad at sticking to 'em, but this world sure don't help. Gotta be prepared for whatever might happen."

"The orcs have treated us well," Duran said. "I appreciate it."

"Very well," Hamish added with a smirk. "Get me some of that meat."

Once they were done eating, it was time to gather their belongings and head back out into the big, cold world. Hamish was standing by the fire, trying to figure out how to layer his shirts to keep himself as warm as possible, when the orc who had sucked him off yesterday approached and held out a fur coat.

"For me?" Hamish asked as he took the coat.

"Stay warm," the orc said.

Hamish put the coat on and moved his arms around to test the fit. It was very warm. "Thank you. It fits well."

"For children," the orc explained.

"Right. I can't imagine it would fit you. You're a very large man."

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